Proff. Dr. Ahmad anwar dizayee with delegation from consulate of south Korea
Proff. Dr. Ahmad anwar dizayee welcomed a delegation from consulate of south Korea in erbil, leaded by Joy Ganzhin the general consul accompanied with others high ranked in the consulate, the president started with a brief introduction about the university history and all the activities taking place scientifically and also with the community, also talked about college of languages and all the languages that are being taught at this college, the general consul was happy with coworking with salahaddin university – erbil by making a Korean language course to take place at college of languages.
The presidents promised to provide all facilities required to accomplish this and many other activities with the Korean consulate.
On the hand Prof. Dr. Ahmad Anwar Dizayee welcomed at his office research and development committee of ministry of industries and minerals of the central government.
In the meeting, the conference about nano-technology to be conducted with UM university in Malaysia and the committee. The university president showed the university readiness to conduct this conference which will have a great impact on the scientific research and all three parties will benefit from it.