President Authorities

- Leading the University Council meetings including calling for regular and special meetings. The President is responsible for implementing decisions made by the University Council and he represents the University to all parties—public and private, local and national.
- Managing the University's scientific, administrative and financial affairs according to the applicable laws and pertinent regulations.
- Managing all University property: movable as well as unmovable (real estate) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Signing contracts with foreign professionals and teaching staff.
- Approving delegations, scholars, and sabbatical leaves on the basis of college and institutional recommendations. This includes approving visiting and sabbatical appointments abroad and borrowing teaching staff.
- Appointing assistant deans and heads of departments in colleges and institutes based on recommendations of the deans.
- Upgrading University staff.
- The President of the University may delegate some of his authority to the deans of colleges, vice presidents of the University, or appropriate persons who are capable of assuming responsibility for such actions.