Admission Requirements
Salahaddin University-Erbil is working under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Regional Government, KRG. The Kurdistan Parliament ACT 10/2008 governs the higher education system in Kurdistan region. The higher education in Kurdistan is free for all.
New (freshmen) students are admitted through the Central Admission Office of KRG. High School graduates (Year 12 students) are competing to enter Kurdistanian Universities based on their National Exam Score (Year 12 Kurdistan national examination or equivalent) . Kurdistan National Exam is recognised internationally and Kurdistanian students study at international universities without any barrier.
In addition to the National Exam Score, there is another admission requirement which is to pass a special competence check interview in colleges of Fine Arts and Physical Education.
Credit System
Salahaddin University-Erbil offers Bachelors degree in more than 85 disciplines and programs. All BA and BSc programs are four years full-time study (except Architectural Engineering which is 5 years full-time duration).
An academic year consists of 30 weeks (in some programs, it is divided into two 15 weeks semesters). The academic years starts mid-September and ends at the beginning of July.
The credit system at Salahaddin University-Erbil is a unit-based system. One unit is the theoretical lecturing of 15 hours/15 weeks (or practical work of 30 hours/15 weeks).
BA and BSc degrees need the successful completion of 154-164 units/4 years