Health and Safety
The Directorate of Health and Safety at the University of Salahaddin was established on 2nd of May 2012 with the mandate to insure a healthy and safe educational and working environment for the staff, students, employees, visitors and protecting properties. The highest authorities at the university has committed all available resources to promote, support and provide all tools and means to insure the highest level of a healthy and safe environment in all university premises.
The directorate has trained personnel who will manage the overall university’s health and safety programs with the goal of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses. The directorate will also develop and implement policies, and procedures to meet all requirements, and duties set by standard occupational Health and Safety Acts and any applicable regulations.
The University Health and Safety Directory, coordinating with the Central Directorate of Health and Safety at the Ministry organizes training courses and education and discussion sessions for its members and the members of the committees formed at the Colleges and the departments in these colleges for fire prevention and fire safety, laboratory safety first aid training, hygiene, injury prevention, handicap accesses and other health and safety issues and requirements with periodic ongoing audits and continuous improvements. Different requirements for different colleges and student’s hostels and accommodations are taken in consideration. For example the need and programs of colleges with chemistry, biology, physics and other scientific disciplines will be different from those of Art colleges. The committees will continuously carry out audits, identify hazards and nonconformities, and initiate corrective and preventive actions. The work of the directorates will be based on risk assessment and risk management bringing their observations to the attention of the department heads, Deans of Colleges and the presidents of the universities for quick effective actions and remedies.
The Directorate of Health and Safety collaborates with the university community to promote health, safety, environmental protection, emergency preparedness and compliance with applicable regulations, guidelines and the best available practices in order to sustain a healthful and safe working and learning environment. This mission is accomplished by establishing policies and procedures, providing training and education, facilitating emergency management, implementing preventative actions and insuring continuous improvement of Salahaddin University's health and safety programs. The Health and Safety Directorate will also oversee, evaluate and follow up the activities of all Health and Safety Committees in all Colleges and departments as well as other university administrative and accommodation buildings to insure that the proper procedures are followed and the risk of injury to people and damage to property and environment is eliminated or at least minimized as much as possible.
The success of such efforts can only be insured by stimulating a culture of high ethical standard with excellent collaboration efforts and communication skills that inspire and enthuse and understanding that it is not only the management's responsibility, but it is also the employees and students legislated responsibility.
by Directorate of Health and Safety