About SEE Centre
Salahaddin University-Erbil partners with Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) in a joint project under the title of “Capacity Building in Teacher Education and Research”. The project, which is funded by DAAD, has provided trainings for more than 50 teaching staff from College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil in the field of Entrepreneurship Education. Because entrepreneurship is regarded as an important topic due to its role in their post-university life, it was added to college curriculum for all its seven departments of both morning and evening studies. Then Salahaddin Entrepreneurship Education Centre (SEE Centre) was established in August 2018 to improve and maintain high quality of teaching and learning, as well as to disseminate the concept of entrepreneurship among academic institutions. By 2019, around 2550 students have studied Entrepreneurship Education as part of their undergraduate studies. Moreover, PhD and MA studies are also planned with FAU.