SUE delegation in the training workshop in Germany
Salahaddin University-Erbil paid a visit to the University of Göttingen (aka Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) in Germany to participate in a training workshop.
The delegation was headed by Dr. Mustafa Saber Al-Attar, Vice-President for Scientific and Postgraduate Studies, and Dr Nabil A. Fakhre, Director of Quality Assurance, in which they participated in Erasmus + Key Action 103 training on 6-16 May 2019, which consisted of two programmes.
The first part was International Erasmus + Staff Training Programme for Academic and Student Affairs Staff Working for Higher Education Institutions and the second was Internationalisation Group Work. The training saw a number of seminars and workshops in a wide range of areas which involved internationalisation of the universities, encouraging online system and implementing Bologna Process at Salahaddin University-Erbil in the next academic year.
During the training, Dr Mustafa Al-Attar presented two seminars titled the Steps Taken towards Internationalisation of Universities and International visibility-Internationalisation for Reputation of Higher Education Institutions.