A thank you letter to KRG Premier from University council
The SUE University Council sends a thank you letter to the KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani to have followed the university issues closely, particularly issues of the university students to know about their difficulties and offer support. As part of this mission, PM Barzani paid a visit to the SUE student accommodations.
The SUE Council would like to acknowledge and commend the Premier's consideration and commitment in the following letter.
To His Excellency Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government
A Letter of Gratitude
On behalf of the SUE Council, we express thanks to Your Excellency for your consideration and commitment in addressing university and students' issues, especially issues at the student accommodations. We regard highly your academic initiatives and your considerate gesture to visit one of your university halls and university accommodations to take notice of the university students requests and suggestions.
Your visit will encourage us further to work steadily towards promoting the learning and scientific process at SUE.
Prof. Dr Jawhar Fattah Saeed
President of Salahaddin Univerity President-Erbil
28 November 2021