SUE welcomes team from Autonomous University of Barcelona
Prof. Dr Jawhar Fattah Saeed, the university president, welcomed a team from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in his office at SUE (Salahaddin University-Erbil).
Later the parties discussed relations between both universities and European universities. The team are here for research in the archaeological sites in Kurdistan Region.
SUE president expressed best wishes and SUE support for the team to succeed in their mission in the Kurdistan Region. He also mentioned that Kurdistan is rich in archaeology and more research is needed to explore new archaeological sites.
His Excellency said that they attach a great significance to archaeological studies at university and hope that they can open an archaeology college.
In this meeting also, an agreement was signed between SUE and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
It is worth mentioning, both the Dean of the College of Arts and the Head of the Archaeology Department were present.