SUE welcomes an academic delegation from Masaryk University
Prof. Dr Jawhar Fattah Saeed, the university president, welcomed a research team from Masaryk University, from Brno, Czech Republic, in his office at SUE (Salahaddin University-Erbil).
SUE president expressed best wishes and SUE support for the team to succeed in their academic mission in Kurdistan Region.
The team are here for research and data collection on fish, frogs, turtles and tortoises in the rivers and dams, and reptiles such as snakes, lizards, and scorpions in the plains and mountains.
The guest team mentioned that Kurdistan has a wealth of natural environment of rivers, lakes, mountains and plains. A wealth of wildlife live in the mountains, rivers and lakes; therefore, more research can be conducted.
His Excellency also offered university presents to the team and wished them success with the project.
It is worth mentioning, both the Director of Erasmus Plus and Director of International Affairs were also present.