Students from the Psychology Department of the College of Arts at Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), in collaboration with students from other psychological departments, have successfully published the first specialized academic journal in the field of psychology, named Psychofer Journal.
The journal is solely prepared by students, committed to scientific and academic principles, and professionally managed.
Students executed the journal from the initial stages of preparation to the final publication stage, demonstrating their capabilities and talents.
The journal has been enriched by the participation of several psychology professors and researchers, including Dr Omar Girdanazi, Dr Hoshang Farhad, Dr Hewa Abdulaziz, and Ghariba Hussein.
The journal has benefited from the contributions of several young and active researchers such as Kamo Araz, Diyari Sabir, Pesheen Siweli, Milano Muhammad, and Farhad Muhammad, who participated with specialized articles and academic writings.
The journal's content includes multiple contemporary scientific topics, written academically and relying on credible sources.
Psychofer Journal is the product of the Psychofer Project, a collaborative initiative of psychology students from SUE, Soran, and Koya Universities, prepared entirely by students throughout all stages of preparation and publication.
This innovative step taken by the students could serve as a starting point for a series of creative and scientific work in the future and open doors for further development of psychology in Kurdistan.