Salahaddin University signs agreement with Huawei-Iraq
Despite the lockdown measures in Kurdistan Region due to Covid-19, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) has continued the efforts to keep close contact with the academic staff, students, universities and network companies.
As part of the University plans, the SUE Acting President, Dr Jawhar Fattah conducted a virtual meeting with Mr Wanglei, the Director General of Huawei in Iraq.
In the online meeting, both parties discussed the final steps of opening Huawei Academic Centre at SUE.
Huawei-Iraq singed an agreement to make generous donations to the centre to provide equipment in the field of networking, and the centre will be officially opened when the euqipment is installed.
This agreement can be considered as one of the significant agreements in Iraq and KRI which brings benefit for students, especially in the networking field.
The centre will be used as a training and exam centre open for students all over Iraq.
It is worth mentioning that the Vice-President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, Dr Mustafa Al-Attar also took part in the agreement process as well as Huawei ME PACD director also attend and gave speech in the meeting.
Salahhadin University
- Professor Dr. Jawhar Chancellor of Salahaddin University
- Professor Dr. Mustafa Vice president for scientific Affairs and post graduate students
- Mardin Abdullah Anwer Lecture in Engineering collage (software Dep.) Huawei Academy Administrator
ME Huawei
- Spacelee ME PACD director
- Jianghaohao responsible for the talent ecosystem in Huawei ME
- Lanina Middle East Public Relations Dept.
Iraq Huawei
- Wanglei Iraq General Manager
- Rafid PR director
- Jamal PR Manager
- Hoyam
- Yahya EBG