Salahaddin University-Erbil Ranked 11th In Iraq
Dr Ahmed Dezaye, the University president, declared that according to the ranking released by webometrics.info, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) has been ranked 2nd among 30 public and private universities in Kurdistan Region, 11th among 92 universities in Iraq, and within the first quarter among the world universities.
The University president said that SUE is proud of the increase in the ranking despite all the political and financial difficulties facing the university.
“We would always work hard to maintain the status among the universities in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.”
He also highlighted that the lecturers have done their best to publish research in the international journals.
Such a promising result, Dezaye maintained, will encourage the university to exert efforts for further progress to serve academic sector and encourage a proficient generation towards a civic society.