International conference titled about kurdish language and speech in Sna city
By the attendance of University president, vice president for student affairs, dean of language college, and a great number of lecturers from 20 different universities, at the beginning the president of Kurdistan university presented a welcome speech and thanked all the attendants to Sna city, and then each representative of universities presented their speech, Dr. Sherwan vice president of student affairs in speech he stated: international conferences of such have great impact on university academic and scientific level special in joint conferences among different background universities to enrich their scientific and academic level.
And in this conference, we participated to increase the awareness about the Kurdish language and traditions and add more value to it. Salahaddin university for the importance of this conference a big number of academic staff participated in this conference that was for two days, 40 researches were presented 7 of them were from salahaddin university-erbil and another 20 were presented as posters from 15 different panels, and it is planned to have the third conference on 24 Apr 2020 at salahaddin university-erbil.