SUE president in the Workshop
Political and Strategic Research Centre at Salahaddin University-Erbil in cooperation with NWO and Clingdael arranged a workshop titled “Confronting Extremism Violence through Human Security in Iraq and Kurdistan Region”. The University president, KRG Minister of Education Dr Pishtiwan Sadiq, Netherlands Consul General, a number of researchers and university lecturers were present in the conference.
In the beginning, Dr Pishtiwan Sadiq presented a topic explaining KRG’s strategy to confront violence in the programmes of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs.
Dr Sadiq said, “Kurdistan Region experiences a considerably very good security compared to other countries in the region and worldwide. We have specific laws for confronting terrorism. Civil Society organisations have had a considerable role in that regard.” He also said, “We, through religious clerics at the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs have tried to explain that Islam is far from being a violent religion. We have also considered facing extremism through the education programmes.”
As part of the workshop, Political and Strategic Research Centre at the University presented conclusions of a survey on extremism violence which was conducted all over Iraq. The participants later expressed their opinion about the topic; and, finally, the workshop conclusions were summed up.