Salahaddin University-Erbil announces the exam results on Huawei Cloud for first time
On 31st May 2022 at Huawei Academy Centre in the College of Engineering of SUE, a special workshop was held on SUE joining Huawei Cloud, which is the first time an academic institution, namely SUE, in the Kurdistan Region utilizes the cloud as a server.
The workshop was attended by Asst. Prof. Dr Kamaran Younis M. Amin, the President of Salahaddin University-Erbil, with the presence of Dr Rafid Abbas - the Vice-President of Huawei in Iraq, Dr Jamal Nuri - Director of Relations at Huawei, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Director of IT Centre at SUE, as well as students and teachers.
Towards the end, certificates were awarded to a number of students at the College of Engineering who have taken part in creating a research application to benefit the university.