SUE President Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dizayee ,vice presidents and Dean of College of Languages and Academic Relations Director with the Consul General of the Republic of China
In a private meeting in the Presidency of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), attended by SUE President, vice presidents and Dean of College of Languages and Academic Relations Director, the Consul General of the Republic of China was received to discuss practical steps for opening Chinese Language Department at Salahaddin University.
Following SUE’s decision to open the Chinese Department at College of Languages for this academic year in cooperation with Chinese Consulate, a delegation from the Consulate paid a visit to SUE to follow up the preparations for opening the department.
In the beginning, the University President discussed the preparations in detail made for opening the Chinese Department. He conveyed to the guest delegation that SUE has prepared a private building for the department according to the standards for Chinese language teaching. The University has also made preparations in terms of a library and lecture halls and special hall for video conference to link the department to outside. Accommodation is reserved for the academic staff and teachers provided by the Chinese Consulate.
The Chinese Consul General, on the other hand, expressed happiness for SUE being able to make swift preparations in a short time. In return, the Consul General confirmed that they are ready for all cooperation and will do their best to help establish the department. He also said the curricula of the department have been prepared by academic experts in China. And at the end of the academic year, the teachers and students of the department will be invited to China to take part in special courses and become accustomed to the Chinese culture.
It is resolved that, in a ceremony, the Chinese Department at SUE will be officially opened and the ceremony will be attended by a large number of officials and dignitaries..