Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) delegation headed by the president of the University Dr Ahmed Dezaye in Germany
A delegation from Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) headed by the president of the University Dr Ahmed Dezaye paid a visit to Germany to develop a mutual project between SUE, the University of Potsdam in Germany, Tishk University in Iraq, and Catholic University. The religious map of Erbil has become a project among these universities, and as part of implementing the project successfully the university delegation carried out activities to make preparations.
SUE delegation presented seminars at the University of Potsdam regarding the coexistence and multi-faith communities in the Kurdistan Region, along with the religious education system.
As part of the academic visit, the participants assessed research carried out about the religious map of Erbil. And in the meetings with the University of Potsdam, both parties encouraged fostering academic relations.
Also, the delegation visited Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation in Germany, which were asked to further support KRG in various sectors. The host showed the willingness to offer support to the region.
It is worth mentioning that the programme is part of the projects sponsored by DAAD. By the end of the project, a book will be published in English about the religious map of Erbil.