President of Salahaddin University-Erbil receives Minister of Transport and Communications
On 20, July 2022, in the Presidency Office of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), Asst. Prof. Kamaran Younis A. Amin, President of Salahaddin University-Erbil, received Ano Jawhar, the Minister of Transport and Communications in the Kurdistan Regional Government.
The meeting was attended by the Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Director of Quality Assurance and the Director of IT Centre.
The Minister congratulated the SUE President on his inauguration; expressing his support, he wished the President success in his work.
During the course of the meeting, the Director of the IT Centre of the University talked about the type and quality of the Internet that the university uses. The Minister promised to improve quality of the Internet that used for the University affairs.
In addition, the President thanked the Minister and said that they would try to work to enhance the scientific and academic progress of the university.