SUE President Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dizayee with Dr. Francesca Mucca
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Dizayee president of our university welcomed Dr. Francesca Mucca, the external supervisor of student (Pawan Sirwan Faris) a split side student who found a new cure for cancer, discovered a new medication that works in the atoms of a cell.
At the beginning the university president thanked student, internal and external supervisors of the student for making this great achievement, in addition Dr. Mazhar Sabir Shexa (internal supervisor) explained the importance of the discovery done by the student, also the university president stated the importance of publications done which are 10 publication that are published in high rank scientific journals and this itself is considered a great achievement to our university.
This project is done between Salahaddin university-Erbil, Biology and biotechnology department and Lazio Spalanza, University Pavia, Italy. Also in the attendance were the university vice presidents and dean of science college.