President of SUE, Director of McGraw Hill Education in Middle East, Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, deans, heads of departments and instructors
Attended by the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) Dr Ahmed Dezaye, Vice-President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies Mustafa Saber Mustafa Al-Attar, deans, heads of departments, instructors, and students of English departments at the colleges of Education and Languages of SUE, a seminar was conducted titled 'New English Programs for University Students in the Academic Year of 2019' by Dr Lefteris Souris, Director of Middle East office of McGraw Hill Education.
In the Seminar, Dr Souris highlighted the new methods and best programs for learning the English language for university students. The instructors and students also had a chance to participate and express their opinions in the seminar.
It is worthy to mention that McGraw Hill Education is an organisation which has been established for 128 years, and it has been working in the Middle East for 50 years. It has strong relations with academic organisations.