The message of the President of SUE on 8 March - International Women's Day
"In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Gracious.
"On the occasion of International Women's Day, I and the Council of Salahaddin University extend our warmest congratulations to all female teachers, students, and employees of SUE.
"Women at SUE are leaders in university management and administrative affairs. In the past, the ability and strength of women have improved the development of the university in terms of science and administration. We reassure you and promise to do our best to fight for equal rights and make serious efforts to eliminate violence against women.
"I am pleased to have a large number of women teachers in various academic positions at Salahaddin University.
"We will work to achieve the goals of women at Salahaddin University-Erbil to provide rights, justice, and equality.
Happy 8th of March!"
Asst. Prof. Dr Kamaran Younis M. Amin
President of Salahaddin University-Erbil.