Message of the President of Salahaddin University-Erbil, on International Mother Language Day
"In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Gracious
"February 21 is International Mother Language Day. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate all teachers, employees and students, especially the teachers and students of the Kurdish language departments of Salahaddin University-Erbil.
"Language plays an important role in the life of every nation and is one of the strongest means to protect the national foundation. Therefore, Article 29 of the UN Charter highlights the importance of the right to protect and use the mother tongue.
"According to UNESCO, there are more than 6,000 languages worldwide, most of which are unfortunately overlooked and endangered.
"UNESCO says that a person who cannot read and write in his or her mother tongue is illiterate.
"Language, like anything else, needs to be preserved and developed, which is to pay attention to using it. Therefore, the protection and development of the mother tongue is an important responsibility of teachers and university students. Language protects the family and society, besided it is the definition of the peoples and nations, an important part of culture and the basic pillar of life.
"We must think about the development and promotion of the Kurdish language, but also avoid marginalization.
"If paying attention to the mother tongue and respecting this day is important for the nations worldwide, it is more important for us, Kurdish people. Language is an important factor for the survival of human beings and civilization. Therefore, it should be our priority.
Caring for and preserving the Kurdish language is an important factor for preserving culture. I would like to ask the teachers, intellectuals and experts of SUE, as you have fulfilled your responsibilities towards the Kurdish language in the past, to fulfill your responsibilities better in the future. For this purpose, SUE is willing to foster any necessary cooperation and coordination in this field.
Happy International Mother Language Day.
Asst. Prof. Dr Kamran Younis M. Amin
President of Salahaddin University-Erbil.