Memorandum of understanding between Salahaddin University-Erbil and Ukrainian University for aviation
After visiting Ukraine, the president conducted some meetings with Ukrainian University for aviation came to an agreement to assign a memorandum of understanding between them.
Ukrainian University for aviation is the most influential and largest one with its specialization in Europe and whole world, which includes tens of colleges with different specializations in the aviation field. A delegate of the Ukrainian University for aviation came to our university to complete the process of making the MOU.
Regarding opening this type of department, said the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil “it will be one of the first of kind to have such department with such high standards in whole Iraq and Kurdistan). And it is intended to open this department with the start of next academic year, as the students will study two years in Salahaddin University-Erbil and continue their study in Ukraine for the next two years.
In addition, in his visit the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil paid more attention to the details of how the departments are run and make it better, also to improve the project of using helicopters in the fields of agriculture, communication, health, environment, etc. and to increase the academic exchange with the Ukrainian University for aviation.
The Ukrainian University for aviation is one of the universities that has made most of the designs of airports around the world, in all different types of them. The graduates of this university have the highest rate of employment and impact in this area.