Main objectives of KRG were discussed at Salahaddin University-Erbil
The road map and future plans of the new KRG cabinet was broadly discussed at the cultural center of Salahaddin University-Erbil.
The representative of cooperation and follow up of Council of ministries, University President, university vice presidents, deans, and others attended this meeting and widely discussed the formation of four years plan of the KRG for this coming round. At the beginning of the meeting Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dizayee presented a speech about preparation and writing plans by ministries and organizations themselves, and clarified the meeting is for answering the questions and how plans are derived.
Dr. Hemn Fathel (representative of cooperation and follow up of Council of ministries) stated the main sides of KRG plans and how they will be applied, and presented a printed guide for the attendance that explains all the plans and future work of the government.
Continuing in his speech dr. Hemn explained all the main sides of KRG plan (how the government is following them and applying them), and explained that the plan is put into three levels. First level is at national level and includes all sectors and does not have to be completed in this round of governing, second level is at the cabinet level in which the plans must be completed within four years which are the ruling years of this cabinet, third level is about the ministries and their directorates, which directly serve the public.
In the other part of the meeting, ways of preparation of plans were widely discussed, in which the attendance asked questions based on their field of specialty. In general, the topics discussed in the meeting were (list of projects information, proposed projects, list of activities, proposed activities, summary of projects information, standards of selecting projects proposed, ministry structure, human resources, employees based on directorates, employees based on work title, income and resources, expenditure and disbursements, assets).