Today, on November 27, 2024, with the attendance of Dr Hemn Hawrami - a member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Asst. Prof. Dr Kamaran Younis Mohammed Amin - President of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), Prof. Dr Idris Herki - President of Polytechnic University, Dr Zhala Saeed - Director General of the Ministry of Higher Education, Prof. Dr Hussein Saadi - SUE Vice President of the University for Administrative and Financial Affairs, and Prof. Dr Hewa Majid - Dean of the College of Political Sciences, along with department heads, professors, and students, a conference was held to discuss the future of relations between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.
At the beginning of the conference, the Head of the Political and Strategic Research Center of the College of Political Sciences at SUE delivered a speech, highlighting the importance of such academic and political dialogues. He expressed his happiness and described the event as significant, suggesting that the recommendations from this conference could be directed to relevant parties to help resolve existing issues.
Additionally, a panel focused on the future of relations between the two governments during the conference.
The panels included presentations on:
First Panel:
- State-Building Strategies and Good Governance - Prof. Dr Amer Hassan Fayyadh
- Relations between the Federal and Kurdistan Regional Governments - Prof. Dr Shirzad Najjar
- Effects of Power Distribution between Kurdistan Regional and Federal Governments on Continuous Development - Prof. Dr Khinsa Mohammed Jassim Al-Shamari
- Financial Disputes between Federal and Kurdistan Regional Governments according to the 2005 Constitution - Prof. Dr Khairi Ibrahim
- Panel Moderator - Prof. Dr Khamis Al-Badri
Second Panel:
- Problematic Nature of Relations between Federal and Kurdistan Regional Governments - Prof. Dr Sardar Qadir
- Future of Federal-Regional Government Relations: Challenges and Opportunities - Prof. Dr Khaled Abdullah
- Dialectics of Relationship between Centralism and Federalism - Dr Abdulhakim Khosro
- Panel Moderator - Dr Shakhawan Mohammed