Huawei Academy is now open at Salahaddin University for the first time
Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) opened the Huawei Academy at the College of Engineering on Monday, 16 November 2020, in a ceremony in which the ministry, Huawei and university officials were present.
The ceremony was attended by the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Asst. Prof. Dr Mohammed Hussein Ahmed (Head of Apparatus of Supervision and Quality Assurance), Salahaddin University President Prof. Dr Jawhar Fattah Saeed, Vice-President of Huawei in Iraq Dr Rafid Abbas Khader and SUE Vice-President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, Dean of College of Engineering and teachers.
The representatives of the Ministry, Huawei, and the University President reiterated support for the academy. They emphasized the importance of the centre that it can be of benefit to students and companies.
SUE President extended thanks to Huawei Iraq Vice President and Huawei Public Relations Manager for having contributed to this project.
He said, "Huawei is one of the greatest companies in technology in the world. The idea of opening the academy came from the last year's Huawei competition in which SUE students participated."
He also said that SUE saw this as "an opportunity to have an academy where students can have access to new technology and data at the University."
He maintained that since it serves and develops engineering at the University, it is an honour to be the first Huawei academy in Iraq.
Also in the event, Huawei Iraq Vice President delivered a speech in which he discussed the company, their strategy and current development in 6G.
Huawei showed the willingness to provide support concerning the equipment and facility to this academy. This has made it easier for SUE to open new courses in which students can easily participate.
It is worth mentioning that SUE students took part in a Huawei competition from which they benefited. The collaboration of the last year has come to fruition this year which has led to opening the academy.