President of Salahaddin Univerity (SUE) Prof. Dr Ahmed Dezaye, Mr. Haydar Abdulrahman (Director of Media) with a group of musicians from Fine arts college
Dr. Ahmed Dizayee president of Salahaddin University-Erbil, Mr. Haydar Abdulrahman (Director of Media) with a group of musicians from Fine arts college, initialized the project of evolving an orchestra.
The president showed full support to this pioneer project that will raise the attention and show importance of music and musicians in Kurdistan Region.
Mr. Ghazi a lecturer from fine arts college, explained that a large group of musicians will gather and work together on this project whom have very high knowledge and experience in the music industry.
In the near future there will be many activities in the cities of Kurdistan, continuing Mr. Ghazi said we hope the support of the university will be a great factor to improve and enhance the orchestra and have great influence in Kurdistan Region