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In the presence of Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dizayee “the president of salahaddin university”, Ali Hussein “the head of branch 2/ Kurdistan Democratic Party”, a large number of university lecturers, party and governmental politics, writers, members of parliament and Kurdish language lecturers of all Kurdistan universities. In the social and cultural centre of salahaddin university, with salahaddin university support, a number of lecturers specialized in Kurdish language in Kurdistan universities have arranged a ceremony to express their appreciation to professor Shukria Rasul Ibrahim for her years of efforts in Kurdish language and literature.
Dr. Tania Nuraddin has given her speech on behalf of the presence committee in the ceremony, Salahaddin university speech was given by Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee “the president of salahaddin university”, the speech of Kurdish writers union was given by Masoud Parishan, each one of Sulaymania, Duhok, Soran universities has given their speeches, they mention Professor Shukri’s role in Kurdish language and literature as the only woman, the Kurdish community should be proud of her.
In the ceremony, prizes have been dedicated to Professor Shukria by: Salahaddin University, branch 2/ Kurdistan Democratic Party, Khabat writers, Kurdish writers union, Kurdistan women union, Kurdish academy, lecturers of Kurdistan universities. Besides the prizes, pieces of poem have been recited by poet Ganj Redar Sabir.
It’s important to be mentioned that Dr. Shukria Rasul besides being a lecturer in Kurdish department/college of languages/ salahaddin university, she was a member of Kurdistan Parliament in maintaining and defending women’s rights.