Prof. Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye and the Director of Grants & Academic Projects
The president of Salahaddin University professor Dr.Ahmed Anwar Dezaye and the Director of Grants & Academic Projects (Erasmus Plus Coordinator) Assistant Professor Dr.Mohammed Azeez Saeed participated in the concluding workshop WP1 of Erasmus Plus TIGRIS which was held at the University of Sulaimane in the period September 23 to September 26th, 2018. SU presented a 5 minutes presentation on SU contribution on the project. SU president and the Erasmus Plus Coordinator at SU actively participated in the workshop program. The workshop was concerned with discussions of the results of the work package 1, a planning session for implementation of WP2, workshop on risk analysis & Developing structures corresponding to the institutional and international strategy of universities.
TIGRIS annual dissemination conference was held at Salahaddin University- Culture center during the day September 27th, 2018. A very well preparation was done for the conference. European countries Conslues in Erbil were invited to the conference and they delivered a contribution speech at the conference. The conference included building the future of Higher Education in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq –The TIGRIS Project and beyond, TIGRIS in its first year Review and future outlook, Structural reform for Internationalization – Managing organizational change at Salahaddin University , Developing international research cooperation – International Joint PhD Education at University of Sulaimane, Towards recognition of studies, Curricular Reform for Internationalization – Introduction of ECTS-based study programmes at University of Raparin and roundtable discussion.