Salahaddin University Delegation in Turkey
In order to strengthen relations with international universities, a delegation from SUE visit the neighbouring countries, which was headed by the President of the University Dr Ahmed Dezaye and accompanied by Head of Turkish Department, Dr Hazim Burhan. They paid a visit to five universities in Turkey among them Dijlah University in Diyar Bekir, Bingol University, Inonu University in Malatya, Bulent Ecevit University, and Karabuk University.
In their visit to the universities they met the presidents, vice presidents and other officials of the universities. And they discussed academic relations, laboratories, theoretical and practical science.
Later the president of the university signed MOUs with the universities so that they could benefit from student and teacher exchange programmes, including undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
The visits come as part of the Erasmus Plus – Mawlana Programme to promote relations between universities and help develop higher education in the Kurdistan Region.