Delegation of Salahaddin University - Erbil to University of Rouen Normandy – France
As part of the Erasmus plus programmes of the European Union, SU signed an agreement with the University of Rouen Normandy, France.
On 19/6/2022 a delegation of our university teachers consisting of 11 teachers travelled to the University of Rouen Normandy in France to participate in a five-day training course prepared by the host university funded by Erasmus Plus Programme.
The course aimed at training university staff on how to admit disabled students into higher education institutions, and how to deal with them during their university life and after graduation and integrate them into society as active citizens.
The Kurdistan Regional Government Representatives in Paris Dr Ali Dolamari and his staff welcomed the teachers at the airports in Paris and guided them. Salahaddin University would like to express its gratitude to him for his appreciated duty.
We would also like to thank the Consulate General of France in Erbil for facilitating the Schengen visa process for the teachers of Salahaddin University-Erbil.