A delegation from PPCU, Budapest-Hungary visits SUE
On April 6th, 2023 at 12:00 noon, the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), Assistant Prof. Dr. Kamaran Younis Mohammed Amin, received a delegation from Pazmany Peter Catholic University (PPCU), Budapest-Hungary. The visit of PPCU delegation to SUE headed by Dr. Sam Mohammed, Head of Erasmus+ICM (International Credit Mobility), as a part of Academic and admin staff mobilities of Erasmus+Ka107, between the two universities. During the meeting the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil, out lined the structure, vision and mission of SUE. He also concentrated on the importance of EU Erasmus Plus projects to SUE. In reply Dr. Sam Mohammed, explained the aim of their visit. Both sides agreed to continue and extend the academic cooperation between SUE and PPCU in future and beyond Erasmus Plus to include many faculties and Departments in benefit to both sides. Their current visit is to the department of Archaeology, College of Arts at SUE, in the period from April 1st to April 13th, 2023. During the visit, many seminars, workshops, meetings will be held on Archaeology in Kurdistan, particularly on the Archaeological sites in Erbil Governorate. It is worth to mention that Prof. Dr. Mustafa Saber Alattar Vice president for Scientific and Postgraduate studies and Dr. Mohammed Azeez Saeed, Erasmus Plus Institutional Coordinator at SUE were attend the meeting.