Consul General of Russia in the Kurdistan Region visits Salahaddin University-Erbil
On June 13, 2023, Asst. Prof. Dr Kamran Younis M. Amin, President of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), attended by Prof. Dr Sharif Mawlod, Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies and Dr. Isam Khalil, Director University Relations received Maxim Rubin, Consul General of Russia in the Kurdistan Region and an accompanying delegation, which consisted of the President of North Caucasus University and the Vice President for Foreign Relations.
At the beginning, the President of SUE welcomed the delegation of the Russian Consulate and expressed his delight for this visit, but also mentioned information about SUE, including the number of colleges, departments and academic staff.
The president also spoke about the student exchange program and pointed out that every year Russian students from Russian universities come to SUE to learn Kurdish and Arabic language and this visit has had a good impact on the students of SUE and students of Russian universities.
On the other hand, the Consul General referred to the relations between SUE and Russian universities and expressed his pleasure that the relations are academic and scientific and maintained that they would try to strengthen the coordination further in all the fields.