Aviation Department and Huawei Centre are now open are at College of Engineering
Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) opened the Aviation Department at the College of Engineering in a ceremony in which the ministry and university officials were present.
The ceremony was attended by the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Asst. Prof. Dr Mohammed Hussein Ahmed (Head of Apparatus of Supervision and Quality Assurance), Salahaddin University President Prof. Dr Jawhar Fattah Saeed, Vice-President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate studies, Dean of College of Engineering, Head of Aviation Department, and teachers.
Opened for the first time in Kurdistan Region, Aviation Department has set to admit students for the current academic year.
Both the representative of the Ministry as well as the University President reiterated support for the department and hoped that it would contribute to the development of the airports and aviation in the KRI.