Activities of Directorate of Information Technology
After Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) stopped on-campus classes due to the Covid-19 lockdown in Kurdistan Region, the Directorate of Information Technology has been in a close contact with the colleges, directories and centres of the university. It has also had a continuous contact with the teachers and the administrative staff. A number of these activities are listed as follows:
• Creating a number of emails for online classes at the College of Engineering.
• Forming a panel in order to collect the research projects which have been published from 1 September, 2019 to 31 August 2020 in the journals of DOI, DOIG SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters.
• Creating teachers' portfolio and uploading their profiles onto the website of the colleges which include about 80 departments.
• Collaboration with the Directorate of Quality Assurance in order to help create and upload the lectures of the teachers.
• Activating the services of Google Meet for meetings of the panels and committees.
• Uploading a number of reports and research projects onto the website of the university about covid-19 in order to offer advice and recommendations for the people. Among the articles were the ones with impact factor.