Split Site
The New Ph.D. Pathway in Kurdistan Universities
I. Preliminary Steps to Seat Announcement
Step 1. The local supervisor is to write a detailed research proposal and submit it to the scientific committee of the related department.
The proposal should include:
- The title of the research;
- An abstract of no less than 75 words and no more than 120 words;
- The value of the project for the Kurdistan Region, directly or indirectly;
- Research Methodology;
- Whether the necessary equipment and apparatus are available in the local and/or the partner universities;
- The necessary training course the student is to take;
- The breakdown of the budget for the project. This must include the following points in detail:
- The travel expenses of both the local and external supervisor`s tentative visits to each other’s laboratory and work locations to determine the availability of the requirements needed for the program to succeed;
- The expense of the equipment and apparatus needed for the research, and the preparation of test locations in both universities;
- The registration fees of the external university;
- The travel expenses of the student to the partner university, twice throughout the four-year period of the study;
- The living expenses of the student in the partner university (a six-month language course if needed + a one year`s work and research);
- The travel expenses of the local supervisor to the partner university for one month.
- The thesis production cost;
- The expense of the evaluating committee (local and external examiners);
- The cost of the viva committee;
- An amount for unforeseen costs.
Note: The external expenses of the project including the student`s salary, the university fees, the student`s expenses abroad, and the travel expenses of the external supervisor to Kurdistan should not exceed $50,000 (Fifty Thousand US Dollars).
Step 2. The scientific committee of the department must respond formally to the local supervisor concerning the approval or disapproval of the research proposal.
Step 3. After obtaining approval, the local supervisor should begin making formal contacts with an external supervisor (outside Iraq), so that both supervisors can review the draft proposal, sign it, and finally resubmit it to the scientific committee of the department.
Step 4. If there is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the local and foreign universities, it is possible to make use of it by asking the external university’s authorities (or research center’s authorities) to fill out a cooperation form for the Split Site PhD program and sign it. In case this memorandum does not exist, a special confirmation form for this particular project should be filled in and signed by the foreign university, stating an agreement to host the student for one year, the assignment of the supervisor to work on the project, and permission for the use of laboratories.
Step 5. The scientific committee of the department should submit the proposal, signed by both supervisors, via the college post- graduate unit, to a special scientific committee of the program in the local university. The confirmed admission forms from the foreign university should also be included.
Step 6. The special scientific committee of the new PhD system in the local university will go through the documents submitted. In case of any deficiency, the committee will request the missing document(s). If the required documents are fully available, the committee will make a record of it (in the minutes) and submit it to the president of the university; and he, in turn, will submit it to the university board. This board will confirm the minutes and announce the seat.
II. Candidate Selection Process
1. Applicants will fill in application forms and submit required documents.
2. After carefully reviewing the forms and documents, the scientific committee in the university will set up an interview for the candidates.
3. With the attendance of the head of the scientific department, local and external supervisors (in case of not being able to physically attend, the external supervisor may participate via video or audio-conferencing), and the heads of both the college and university postgraduate units, the university scientific committee will interview all the candidates and shortlist them according to a point-calculation system, and select the top candidate.
III. Commencement
1. After announcing the name of the selected candidate, a contract will be signed between the student and the legal unit of the university. In the contract, the rights and obligations of all parties will be defined.
2. The expense of the project will be the responsibility of the party that most benefits from the student. For this purpose, the student is to bring an official letter from his/her institution (university, ministry, office, or private sector); otherwise the applicant must pay all costs. If the candidate cannot fulfill the contract within a month, another candidate shall be selected as a replacement.
3. In order for universities to cover the expenses of these projects, they are required to set these expenses in their annual budget under the item “other expenses – scholarship section”.
4. A university order document regarding the student`s commencement will be issued, and accordingly, an administrative order will be issued by his/ her college. The commencement of the student will also be recorded in the scientific department.
IV. Manner of Spending the Project Budget
1. A bank account in the university will be opened for this project, and the money that will be spent on the project throughout the four years will be kept there.
2. Fund spending will be according to the items in the project dossier.
3. For spending any amount of money, the local supervisor, according to the guidelines, proposes the amount and submits it to the university authorities. After being authorized, the money will be disbursed under the signature of the university president.
V. Follow-up and Quality Assurance
1. The student will have a dossier in the college`s postgraduate study unit and another in the directorate of postgraduate study in the university. Both parties are responsible for following up the progress of the project.
2. The process of quality assurance works according to the guidelines of the reform pathway of higher education and scientific research in Kurdistan Region - Appendix P4 for 2010, issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.