SUE president, Dr Ahmed Dezaye with the delegation of Chinese consulate
The university president met with a group representing the Chinese consulate in Erbil, discussed with them thoroughly all the aspects of opening a Chinese language studying department and how the consulate representatives and happy and proud of the accomplishments of the university.
In more details, in the beginning of the meeting the university president stated “it’s a great day today to be able to finalize the opening of the Chinese language department in our university and this wouldn’t happen without the help of Chinese consulate in Erbil. There will be some difficulties in finalizing the courses and methods of accepting students into this department as we are the first university in Kurdistan and Iraq to open this department”.
The university president met with a group representing the Chinese consulate in Erbil.
The Chinese consulate stated this day is one of the greatest days to have the Chinese language being taught in an authentic university, and the consulate said “this is a great opportunity for the cultural exchange between universities of Kurdistan and China, and this important step will increase the good relation among us”. Continued his speech stating “I have heard so much about the development happening in Erbil before arriving and starting as the council here, and I saw the part Salahaddin University - Erbil taking in this development, the university deserves to be the first in opening such departments”. In other part of his speech the council mentioned the help and support the consulate will provide to the university and stated “we as the consulate will be providing teaching staff to start teaching in the new department and the university will take care of the administration part and with this cooperation we reach the best results”.
After that the president explaining the preparations of the university he stated “our university has so many buildings and for the next academic year there will be new building specific for this department, for this academic year the plan is to accept 25 applicants to this department and increase the number for the upcoming academic years. The new campus once started we will make sure the Chinese language department will be included, and a committee is assigned to co work with consulate to set all the regulations, coursebook, etc.” and also added “all the preparations will be finished and we will be ready to accept student for the start of the next academic year”.
In this event the Salahaddin University President offered scholarship programs and stated “it is my pleasure to announce scholarships for Chinese students to come and study at our university”.
The department of Chinese language in salahaddin university – Erbil will open with the start of this academic year and will accept 25 applicants through the same system of ministry of higher education, and this department will also provide courses for others outside of salahaddin university-Erbil students.