It was established along with the university in1968. The central library is the main source of information at Salahaddin University-Erbil. It plays an important role in facilitating research, it's open from 8:00 AM. The library contains more than (258051) documents.
Item | Number | Total number |
Hard book with English language | 67,796 | 67,796 |
Hard book with Arabic language | 54,266 | 54,266 |
Hard book with Kurdish language | 11,170 | 11,170 |
Hard book with Persian language | 1,318 | 1,318 |
Hard Journal with English language | 1,414 Subject | 111,420 |
Hard Journal with Arabic language | 5,488 Subject | 10,873 |
Hard Journal with Kurdish language | 2,480 Subject | 2,460 |
Thesis with English language | 8,169 | 8,169 |
Thesis with Arabic language | 7,688 | 7,688 |
Thesis with Kurdish language | 1,426 | 1,426 |
Manuscript | 513 | 513 |
Government press | 1,760 | 1,760 |
Arabic rare book | 702 | 702 |
Turkish rare book | 176 | 176 |
Persian rare book | 106 | 106 |
Total Number | 279,843 |
For the E-Library system you can follow the following link:
T he library is one of the most important university institutions. It has become one of the criteria by which universities can be evaluated, especially in light of the technological development, information and digital orientation of the world.
The most important thing that feeds the thought of the university professor and the student is the information provided by the library, which is one of the most important channels that can be used in the dissemination of culture in the community is the heart of the pulse and the university interface.
We are living in the era of the information revolution, especially university libraries and libraries have been developing because they need that development and change from traditional libraries to hybrid libraries combining traditional and modern electronic form.
The university library and its objectives are derived from its educational institution. The University's success in performing its mission depends on the validity of its libraries. It is responsible for the educational and research process in the university. The library's mission is an integral part of the university's mission, which focuses on education, research and community service. Student, researcher and professor to perform his task, which provides them with different sources of information and organize and maintain and maintain it also has the task of guiding and teaching the beneficiaries how to access the information vessels and how to benefit from them
The university library, as the source of information, is the first place and center of the university. It serves all its educational and research functions and helps to create new horizons in science and knowledge through generations. It connects the past and the present with a bridge of continuity.
Besides the educational and research role of the university library, its educational role comes in the development of capacities and queens. There is no doubt that the university library is the center of radiation from which various activities are based on the treasures of science and knowledge and according to the services they provide to their clients to achieve their goals, hopes and aspirations for the future.
The Department facilitates the search and access to the treasures of knowledge acquired by the library and answer the queries of the beneficiaries and guidance, as well as the availability of internal knowledge through specialized rooms in the branches of knowledge. The books and references are arranged on an objective basis and the halls are open to researchers from 8 am to 2 pm during the academic year and from 8 am to 1 pm during the summer vacation.
- Borrowing unit
- Reference Unit
- Supply and Receiving Unit
- Classification Unit
- Thesis Unit
- Periodical Unit
- Maintenance and Binding Unit
- Government Press Unit
- Manuscript Unit
- Database Unit
- Management Unit
All books on the shelves are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification, here are the ten main classes:
- (000 – 99) Computer science, information and general work.
- (100 – 199) Philosophy and psychology.
- (200 – 299) Religion.
- (300 – 399) Social sciences.
- (400 – 499) Language.
- (500 – 599) Science.
- (600 – 699) Technology
- (700 – 799) Arts and recreation.
- (800 – 899) Literature.
- (900 – 999) History and geography.
Finally, my future aspirations are focused on the vision of the library at the University of Salahaddin and its sub-libraries, which is well developed and challenging its mission to serve researchers and students.
Mission and Objectives
- Developing the work of the Central Library to support the great information development witnessed by the world.
- Restructuring the library in a way that provides the service information for researchers and pioneers.
- Establishing scientific cooperation between the Central Library and other central libraries and public libraries.
- Development of owners through lectures by specialists in library science and workshops.
- Providing important sources and references for researchers.
- Create a scientific climate for reading.