Engineering and projects Directorate had started on 2/1/2019, supervising the completion of the Dormitory building construction, below is the information data about the project and attached is some photos of the site during the daily work:
Project Name: Construction of Dormitory Buildings
Project Place: University Campus / Behind Shaheed Shawkat Shex Yazdin Dormitory
Project Cost: 22,462,643 U$
Project Period: 750 + 370 = 1120 days
Contractor Company Name: Baro Company
Rate of Implementation (%):80%
Supervision Committee Names:
1-Civil Engineer. Abdulkarim Jabbar Project Manager
2-Civil Engineer. Hoshang Mustafa Member
3-Architectural Eng. Hewa Abdulla Member
4-Electrical Eng. Galawezh Hamid Member
5-Mechanical Eng. Ghazala Khalid Member
6-Civil Eng. Farhang Mustafa Member
7-Surveyor Sitar Othman Member
8- Electrical Eng. Taib Omer Consultant
9-Civil Eng. Abdulsatar Mustafa Consultant
10- Architectural Eng. Sherin Jawdat Consultant
11-Accountant Paxshan Hamid Member
Summary About The Project:
- Project Area = 60,000 m2 = 24 Donum.
- Number of Students = 1400-2100 Students.
- The Project Contains:
- Main Buildings (4) Numbers, Each Building Contains:
(350-525) Students, (3) Floors and (2) Basements, (88) Bed Rooms, (12) Kitchens, (6) Reading Rooms, (6) Rest Rooms, (9) Bath and W.C. Sets Which Contain Washing Machines.
- Cafeteria, (3) Floors.
- Kiosks, (8) Numbers.
- Guard House, (2) Number.
- Clinic Center.
- Administration.
- Reception.
- Power House.
- Well & Well Room.
- Maintenance Room.
- Mechanical Room.
- Fence.
- Gardens.
- Sport Yards.
- Parking car