The Framework of Education
at Salahaddin University-Erbil
First Year
The study courses of this year are arranged in a way that %60 of these courses is devoted to developing students’ skills and preparing them for university life while %40 is devoted to introduction to students’ specialization.
Second Year
Students take courses in their specialty and the focus is on the theoretical foundation for their future study. Thirty percent of the courses at this stage ought to be taught in a way that develops critical thinking.
Third and Fourth Years
Here much attention is paid to practical issues and issues related to labor market. Third year and fourth year students study elective courses that could help them in their future career. Establishing relations with universities abroad is encouraged throughout these two years in order to boost the students’ academic skills.
Encouraging students to write reports and research papers is encouraged in all majors. It is recommended that throughout all the four years of university education students be split up into groups, and a holistic approach that relies on inductive methods be adopted in teaching all students. Involving the students in the teaching process inside class is highly recommended as well.