Salahaddin University participated in organizing a Symposium!
April, Sunday 01, 2018
Salahaddin University and Salahaddin University Research Center in partnership and collaboration of ECHO organization has participated in organizing the Youth Empowerment Symposium. This is based on the latest research outcomes from researcher at Salahaddin University Dr. Karzan Mohammad who researched the role of depression in cancer provoking and progression. The symposium aimed to empower the youth through encouraging them and support them to use their potential in building their capacities and enlighten their future.
The event launched by an opening speech of Salahaddin University Vice President. Then after, latest results of researches on cancer have been released by CHRO project in coordination with Salahaddin University research center. The symposium included three keynote speakers who shared their experiences. The speakers were chosen public figures namely (Dr. Othman Halabjayi, Mr. Abdulrahman Sadiq, Abdulsalam Madani). Their talks put too much energy to the symposium and motivated the audience significantly.
Finally, a panel session has been led by Dr. Adam Bedar the host of the event included questions from the audiences to the main speakers and the answers. It is worth to mention that the symposium attracted 1600 attendees who were eager to attend and listen to the outstanding talks of speakers. Nevertheless, the symposium also included short videos of life success stories of 10 young personalities along with soft classical music sections.

The cancer rate in Iraq and Kurdistan region is dramatically increasing. Every five years the incidence of this deadly disease is doubling. This necessitates immediate action toward building up a boundary to retard such a pace of spread. People of Iraq and Kurdistan are under a high risk of infection with cancer due to various predisposing factors. According to our new publications half of the community will be exposed to factors causing cancer in Kurdistan region by 2020.
The lack of specific research and modern diagnosis center that can launch a strategic plan toward fighting cancer in the region is one of the facts that need considerable attention. Such a strategic center can seek deep and dig into the possibilities of the reasons of such a high rate and speedy spread of cancer. A center that offers protection protocols and prevention methodologies to decision makers, along with continuous and roundly screening program for the people. This ensures early diagnosis of signs of cancer that can reduce the rate of causalities by 55% in the next five years.
Goals of the project:
The main objectives of the CHRO project are:
- To seek for the real causes of cancer and reasons behind their dramatic increase.
- To put down a clear prevention protocol to control the spread
- To establish community based centre that perform screening for all community for cancer indicators. This is for early diagnosis as a best treatment of cancer.
- To present a huge program of awareness and advocacy for research impacts and cancer control.
The next event will be a huge symposium, an event under the title (Youth Empowerment Symposium (YES)) in SAAD ABDULLAH HALL with participation of prestigious public figures. The aim of this event is to induce and motivate youngsters to seek in their abilities and believe in their power to defeat the current obstacles and circumstances of economic and social tensions.

The event will be organized by Salahaddin University and CHRO team of administration and volunteers. The event will be advertised by the most known media networks in the region and will attract considerable attention of publics through multiple press conferences. This includes comments and snaps of public figures that induce the public to attend.