The fourth day of the workshop continued with more practical activities in both Entrepreneurship Education and Diversity Education. In Entrepreneurship Education, several activities were done such as, "Invoice: Importance and Styles", "Entrepreneurial Skills" and "Interpersonal Skills".
While Diversity Education activities comprised a discussion on "Concept and History of Human Rights", "Human Rights Articles and Diversity Education" and a research presentation on "Minorities or Different Nationalities?".
In the final part of the fourth day of the workshop, Prof. Dr. Anatoli Rakhkochkine, Chair of Diversity Education and International Educational Research, talked to the participants through a Skype video call. Dr. Rakhkochkine reiterated the significance of Entrepreneurship and Diversity Education for Kurdistan Region. He also talked about how these two module emerged at College of Basic Education/ Salahaddin University- Erbil.