On November 28th,2019, the director of Salahaddin Entrepreneurship Education (SEE) Centre, Centre Staff along with a number of teachers from College of Basic Education partook in a consultation session with (Professor Holger Arndt), the chair of Economic Education at Fredrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nurnberg. The consultation session included three main points:
1. Evaluation the previous workshop which was organized by Salahaddin Entrepreneurship Education Centre for university teachers in Kurdistan Region of Iraq in terms of the organizational challenges.
2. Exchanging ideas as to the content of the workshop with the aim of identifying the challenges and then, finding solutions for them.
3. Discussing joint post-graduate studies at FAU.
Later that day, the (SEE) Centre Staff and College of Basic Education Delegation held a meeting. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the challenges faced by (SEE) Centre and how to address these challenges.