International Cooperations
International cooperation in higher education with international universities, institutions and organizations are the key point in promotion and progressing any university and for intrenationalization of the university. For this,Salahaddin University have started communications and working with international universities, higher educations institutions and programs in order to aciquire the world expereince in developing higher education programmes.
Erasmus Mundus Action2, SALAM Project
Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 7 is a European Union scholarship programme for promoting structured cooperation and European Higher Education for Third world countries.
A branch of this project is specifically directed for citizens of Iraq, Iran and Yemen. This branch is named SALAM from the Arabic word which means “Peace”. The letters of this name in English is interpreted as SALAM = Study Abroad, Learning & Mobility.
The SALAM project of 18 Universities (7 European Universities and 11 Universities from Iraq, Iran and Yemen). The programme launched in May 2012 while implementation started from September 2013 and lasts until July 2016.
Salahaddin University-Erbil became a full partnership of Erasmus Mundus Action2 SALAM from May 2012 and had observed activities in the project.
The SALAM project is coordinated and supervised by the University of Warsaw-Poland
The main objectives of the partnership include organization of mobility of students, young researchers, academic and administrative staff in line with the accepted proposal; facilitating the development of critical skills necessary for functioning in the knowledge‑based society; implementation of quality measures and transfer of expertise within the partnership; visibility measures and dissemination of the outcomes, ensuring sustainability of the network and contribution to the development of a cross-cultural understanding. Implemented activities in connection with these objectives will cover all levels of studies in all fields of studies.
Salahaddin University Beneficiaries:
So far, the mobilities from Salahaddin University benefited Erasmus Mundus Action 2, SALAM Project are:
- Dr.Ali Tofiq Hassan, Post doctorate, International Law, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Dr.Muhammed Fakhri Omer, Post doctorate, Geology, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Dr.Mohammed Rashid Mochtar, Staff, Chemistry, University of Algarve, Faro-Portugal.
- Haval Hussen Saeed,Ph.D. student, Education, Teacher Training, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Ibrahim Nooradin Fathi, MA student, Linguistics, University of Lille 1, France.
- Zewa Eshaya Dawood, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Omer Mustafa Ibrahim, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Bewar Tahir, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Dyari Abbas Mamand, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Karzan Mohammed Abdulreahman. Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Barzan Rzgar Mohammed, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Shakir Abdulsalam Hadi, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Aeram Sabah Muhiaddin, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Hedi Jamal Abdullah, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Heba Khalid Abdullah, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
Miss.Basima Othman Mahmood( [email protected] ) has joined Georg-August Gottingen University-Germany to study Language Change and Irregulations leading to Ph.D. degree. It is expected that the Ph.D. degree will be warded to her in January 2016.The scholarship study is fully funded by Erasmus Mundus Programme.
This project terminated in July 2016 and the final report was submitted to the EU by Warsaw University-Poland.
Steering Committee of Erasmus Mundus Action2- SALAM Scholarships programme
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. Education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help tackle socio-economic changes, the key challenges that Europe will be facing until the end of the decade and to support the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion.
Moreover, there is a need to provide youth organizations and youth workers with training and cooperation opportunities, to develop their professionalism.
The Erasmus+ Programme is designed to support Programme Countries' efforts to efficiently use the potential of Europe’s human talent and social capital, while confirming the principle of lifelong learning by linking support to formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the education, training and youth fields. The Programme also enhances the opportunities for cooperation and mobility with Partner Countries, notably in the fields of higher education and youth.Salahaddin university -erbil is a partnership of two Erasmus + program, which are:
1- GeoNetic: Salahaddin University-Erbil submitted a research proposal to the Erasmus + shared with its partner University [University of Lund-Sweden]. The project is concerned with the environment, Climate Change and applications of GIS in Kurdistan Region as a case study. The departments of Environment, Physics, Geology and Geography will be able to carry out different GIS applications for dealing environmental problems both in rural and urban areas. It is hoped that EU commission will approve the project and implementation starts soon.
Dear Dr.Ahmed Dezaye,President Salahaddin university -Erbil
We are pleased to inform you that your organisation SALAHADDIN UNIVERSITY ERBIL has been validated in the EC Participant’s database as a Public, Non-profit and Higher Education Establishment with the following PIC 949382748.
We kindly inform you that you have been appointed as the LEAR in our system. You will soon receive an email with instructions on how to activate or upgrade your user account.
Kind regards,Jacqueline Magallón
European Commission
Research Executive Agency
Unit C3 Participant Validation and Support
COV2 13/20 - B-1049 Brussels/BelgiumDate: August 14th,2015
Project Name: Erasmus+
Project Number: 561967-EPP-1-2015-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2015-3767/001-001)
Title: International MSc Educational Program in Environmental Management and Modeling (GeoNetC).
This project is a grant given by European Commission to open and establish a course at Salahaddin University and Dohuk University in Kurdistan Region on the impact of climate change.
The projects started on 15/10/2015 and continue until 14/10/2018.During this period a detail programme of the mentioned course will be written. The project is a partnership programme with two Iranian universities and four European universities and coordinated by Lund University-Sweden. The project is fully financially funded by European Union.
The first kick off meeting of the partners of the project was hold at Lund University-Sweden ( in the period March 10th t0 12th ,2016.In this meeting the partner universities were dicide to establish team works on the 13 modules of the project.
Erasmus Plus group Photo-Kick off meeting, March 12th 2016, Lund University-Sweden
The second meeting is planned to be held in the Institute of Geodesy of Vilinius Gedmininas Technical University (, Vilinius-Lithuania in the period October 25th-29th, 2016.Project partners from Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania, Portugal, Iran and Kurdistan region-Iraq will come together in Vilinius to discuss and detail project implementation as well as presenting the progress after the kick off meeting in March 2016.Salahaddin university will participate in this proposed meeting via a delegation of three academic staff.
In the above mentioned period,the workshop was conducted.The representatives of all the partner universities were present.The three days meeting were very fruitful and many suggestions and decisions were made in order to forward the project implementation. Dr.Mohammed Azeez Saeed sepcialist in Climatology represented Salahaddin university -Erbil in the workshop.
Group Photo,Second Erasmus Plus meeting, VGTU-Vilnius-Lithuania, October 28 , 2016.
Third meeting of Erasmus+ GeoNetC was held at ITC University of Twente, Enschede- Netherlands in the period January 16th to January 21st, 2017.
The meeting concentrated on Developing online M.Sc. Courses on Climate Change, Food Security, Environmental Change and Environmental Parameters.
2- Project Name: Erasmus Plus: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Title: Online Platform for Academic Teaching and learning in Iraq and Iran/ OPATEL
It is a second European Union project in which Salahaddin university-Erbil participating with 13 partner Universities and institutes in Europe, Iran and Iraq. They are:
1-Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK)-Germany, Coordinator of the program.
2-Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandمo (ISPAB)-Portugal
3-University of Patras (UPAT)- Greece
4-Int@E UG (Int@E)- Germany
5-University of Duhok (UoD)-Kurdistan-Iraq
6-Salahaddin University-Erbil (SU)-Kurdistan-Iraq
7-University of Baghdad (UoB)-Iraq
8-Duhok Polytechnic University (DPU)-Kurdistan-Iraq
9-University of Basrah (UOB)-Iraq
10-Sanandaj branch, Islamic Azad University (IAUSDJ)-Iran
11-Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)-Iran
12-Paulo & Beatriz – Consultores Associados, Lda (P&B)-Portigal
13-University of Torbat-e Heydarieh (UTH)-Iran
The aim of OPATEL consists in establishing and developing a center to train staff and students in Iraq & Iran universities by using Online Platform for TEaching and learning to be as a hub for using best practices in ICT in education, as well as raising competencies of lecturers and teachers by enhancing the learning processes of students.
Wider Objectives:
1. Establish a well-equipped center for E-Learning in partner universities
2. Transfer EU-experience in areas of E-Learning, skills development and merge new generations
3. Training and follow up with staff and students on how to develop, share learning objects, and collaborate their courses, presentations and exercises on online platform.
4. Improve quality of teaching and learning by building the capacity of universities how to evaluate, develop and design e-courses.
5. Enhancing cooperation with EU partners through mutual visits to develop strategies how to move from teaching to learning and developing scalable sustainable solutions.
The use of Online Platform will steer the education, technical ICT in the right direction. Training of staff to enhance and develop their abilities, will promote reform and modernization of higher education in both countries.
Through this platform, partner universities will have a new vision in education systems and this will enhance quality and relevance of higher education. They publish their results to other universities in the Training coaches mentors continuously through EU trainers, this will achieve the application of means and methods of modern and innovative education and training. Accordingly, the transfer of EU-experience in areas of E-Learning in education will be applied.
This solves problems of usage of E-Learning in education; participants create and publish common methodology and documentation for lifelong learning, E-learning and training for Iran and Iraq in accordance with EU-Standards.
Three languages will be used in the project: Arabic, Persian and English.
Many factors will be used for dissemination and success of OPATEL such as press and media; presenting progress via websites; participation of staff and students, governmental support participation of ministries of high educations and other HEIs. Thus, the general objective of the project improving the quality of teaching and learning at the Iran and Iraq universities through incorporating technological tools in consistence with pedagogical best practices and by building the capacity of the universities to evaluate, develop and design e-curricula, as well as raise the competencies of individual lecturers and teachers to become ability to use the ICT and eLearning for teaching. Another target of this project is building a strong and deep connection between higher education, teachers, students and society. Specifics of target groups like teachers, lecturers and Online Platform for Academic TEaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran / OPATEL
Administrators in Iran and Iraq.
A set of activities proposed and the working methodology to be used for achieving the objectives:
1. Review, state of the art, Agreement and Network between partners
- Project start up activities
- Prepare operation plan and methodology to develop and update the strategies used to ensure the
sustainability to use ICT in Teaching and Learning
2. Assessment studies for the needs of teachers, lecturers and administrators
- Analyse and identify different entities to utilise ICT in education
- List of needed skills in ICT and E-Learning
- Nominate IT specialists at consortium universities
3. Purchase of teaching equipment and bibliographic material
- Selection of equipment: All partners in Iran and Iraq have select the equipment for the project.
- Implementation of the Platform for E-Learning Systems as a center to train the staff, teachers lecturers and later students.
4. Make E-Learning System an integrated part in educations and teaching
- Develop teaching and learning programs for the Staff, teachers, lecturers and administrators.
- Training courses to train staff, lecturers, teachers and administrators in competency based learning.
- Developing E-Learning System and integrate it effectively in practice and application in the teaching and learning at the universities
5.Quality control and monitoring
- Quality control, monitoring and budgetary control
- Check of quality assurance and evaluation plan courses materials & courses placement and courses
- Project task supervision, result evaluation, a verification of targets and success indicators that have been defined within this project.
6.Project Dissemination
- Opening of the project via Internet, social media and ministry of high educations
- Prepare and conduct internal/external information events, mid-term/final conferences
- Participation in annual erasmus project meeting.
- Distribution of project documentation material (Media, banners, flyers, Facebook), seminars and workshop
7.Exploitation of results and sustainability
- Involve the public/private universities and ministry of high educations
- Make the E-learning is mandatory to use in teaching
- Courses sustainability in long-term perspective
- Work on the development of this rule on an ongoing basis and update equipment and staff development
- Workshop on broader strategic options as follow-up project activities
8. Coordination and management of the project
- Project management & coordination meetings, steering committee meetings
- Activity & result monitoring & Evaluation
- Activity and budget planning and budget control, reporting.
As the project manager, HTWK is responsible for overall operation of the project and its smooth running, financial and administrative management including the preparation of budget and reports, timelines and A Steering Committee composed by one representative for each partner of project will be formed. It will be responsible for project management and monitor the progress of all activities.
HTWK and local coordinators will make strategic decisions about the development of the project and ensure that activities are well organized and completed on schedule and that all deadlines are met and objectives achieved. HTWK and local coordinators will also be responsible for authorizing the purchase of all equipment, customs duties and all connected paperwork.
Local coordinator UoD in visits all partner in Iraq for controlling and management the project, writing Online Platform for Academic TEaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran / OPATEL Reports about project phases, make control about the bought equipment and send all reports to HTWK Local coordinator IAUSDJ in Iran visit all partner in Iran for controlling and management the project, writing reports about project phases, make control about the bought equipment and send all reports to UoD and IAUSDJ visit HTWK more times and discuss all project phases and the need of the partners in Iraq and Iran.
EU partners (HTWK, UPAT,UPJS, P&B and Int@E) will visit all partners in Iraq and Iran more times for training, for quality controlling and for dissemination and exploitation of results and sustainability. EU partners visit Iraq and Iran in the same flight to spare the travel and stay cost. They travel between partners to train partners monitoring and and to check the progress of the project phases.
From March 13-16th, 2017 the Erasmus +, OPATEL kick off meeting was held at Lipezig University of Applied Sciences,Leipzig-Germany.The aim of the meeting was to introduce the partner universities themselves and to put forward the steps and plans for the implementation of the program. The program is for establishing Online Platform for Academic Teaching and learning in Iraq and Iran coordinated by HWTK and financially sponsored by European Union.The meeting was successful.
E-Learning Laboratory at Salahaddin University: In Erasmus Plus/OPATEL project about 25,200 Euros grand has been allocated by the European Union to establish an e-learning laboratory. A special committee at salahaddin university has finalized the list of required upto date equipment and announced for tendering.The laboratory will be established at the directorate of Rescearch center soon.
Today Thursday, June 15th, 2017 Erasmus Plus meeting was held at salahaddin University guest house meeting hall. The meeting was conducted by professor Dr.Riyadh Qashi , the coordinator of the project from Leipzig university of Applied sciences, Leipzig-Germany. The representatives of the Iraqi partner Universities( Salahaddin University, University of Dohuk, Dohuk Polytechnic University and University of Basra are participated in the meeting.In the meeting the following titles are tackeled and discussied:
1- How to buy Equipment for establishing e-learning centers at partners Universities.
2- Staff convention, that is the paper work for the staff payment working days.
3- Staff and students survey on e-learning system applications.The future trainings on e-learning needs of partner universities were discussed.
Dr.Riyadh Qashi conducted the seminar presentation and gave valuable information on the subjects mentioned above .
Updated on June 16th, 2017
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Student Exchange
Salahaddin University working hard to change the university from national university to international university.
One of the key points is to accept international students to study at Salahaddin University ( both undergraduate and postgraduate students) in different fields and deciplines.
Student exchange is also another factor considered in internationalization of the universities.
1- Miss.Irene Costantini, Ph.D. student in International Relations ( Political Science) at the school of International Studies, University of Trento-Italy visited Salahaddin University -Erbil in the period of November 1st, 2013 to December 15th, 2013 .she carried out her research on international intervention in confict/post-conflict sutiations , Iraq as a case study. Salahaddin University assigned Dr.Sherzad Ammen Al-Najar( [email protected]) professor of politacl science to supervise her study during the above mentioned. Salahaddin University accommodated her at the University dormitaory for girls in the above mentioned period free of charge.
Name:Miss. Irene Costantini, Ph.D.student , Political Science, University of Trento-Italy ( [email protected] ). Her first supervisor is Professor Roberto Belloni ( [email protected] ) ,professor of International Relations, University of Trento-Italy.
2- Mrs. Arzu Wahab Ahmad is a student at the department of arabic/Department of Foreigen Languages at the University of Bergen-Norway.She joined the department of Arabic language/College of Education-Salahaddin University-Erbil for the academic year 2014-2015.
She started studying third year class one full time academic year from October 2014 and ended her study in June 2015.The marks she scored have been transferred in to the ECTS Euroeapen System and sent to the Bergen University for their action and consideration.
Name: Arzu Wahab Ahmad, third class-Arabic Language,University of Bergen-Norway; email address:[email protected] , Mobile: 00479 588 2369.
3- Three undergrate students in the field of political sciences from Russia have attended one month learning Kurdish Language course from August 3rd to September 3rd , 2014 at the language center of Salahaddin university.The names are:
Mr. Daniel Hakimov Davronbekovich.
Mr. Artem Makarov Alekseevich.
Mr. Hikmet Esser-Kan.
4- Mr.Mustafa Muhamat Ibrahim Mesten ( [email protected] ), MA student at the department of Arabic Language/ Institute of Social Sciences for Foreign languages/ Gazi University, Ankara Turky.He joined Salahaddin university to receive one academic year(2014-2015) courses on two subjects:
- Translations from Turkish to Arabic and from Arabic to Turkish.
- Comparative Literature in Arabic.
The first subject is taught by Dr.Hazim Burhan Mustafa, while the second subject is taught by Dr.Goran Salahaddin Shuker.
5- Miss. Weronica Ȍhrt an undergraduate student from University of Uppsala-Sweden has participated in Kurdish language course at college of Basic Education .The course duration was between 4th February - 20th June 2013. The course was specifically designed to meet the needs of the student. During this period she had 4 days class plus one hour class observation and listening. The topics she took were Reading and Writing, Grammar, Translation and Kurdish Proverbs and Idioms. The course was taught by experienced teaching staff at the college and the student was very happy with the results and outcomes.
6-Mr.Nikita Vyskobov , Russian student has participated Kurdish language course at college of Basic Education .The course duration was between 11th January – 6th April, 2015.The course was specifically designed to meet the needs of the student. During this period she had 4 days class plus one hour class observation and listening. The topics she took were Reading and Writing, Grammar, Translation, Conversation and Kurdish Proverbs and Idioms. The course was taught by experienced teaching staff at the college and the student was very happy with the results and outcomes.
7- Fifteen undergraduate students from Turkish Department-College of Languages of Salahaddin University joined Bahcesehir University-Istanbul-Turkey from August 15th to August 31st, 2015 to participate in an intensive advanced Turkish language Course.The training course was fully granted by Bahcesehir University.For Further information , please contact Dr.Hazim Burhan Mustafa ( [email protected] ).
8- Every year since 2009, during the month of July about 6 undergraduatre students from Turkish department-College of Languages-Salahaddin University participates in intensive advanced Turkish language course at Bilkent University-Ankara.The training courses are fully funded by Bilkent University-Ankara.For more information, please contact Dr.Hazim Burhan Mustafa ( [email protected] ).
9- Mr.Tom patrick Meleady ( Patrick Meleady.pdf ) is currently a student in International Studies Bachelor Program at Roskilde University( ), Denmark. He is going to join Salahaddin University-Erbil in the period September 4th to October 25,2015. Tom ([email protected] )conducts a fieldwork in Kurdistan that concerns with nation building in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq. His thesis at Denmark is supervised by prof. Anton Petrenko( [email protected]).Salahaddin University( ) provides him short stay accommodation at the university guest house free of charge and assistant professor Dr.Sarhang Barzinji ( [email protected] ), [ mobile; 00964(0) 750 449 0517 ] will supervise and guide him during the period of his visit to Kurdistan.
10- Mrs.Diana Patterson Hatchett, Ph.D. student at the Department of Anthropology-College of Arts & Sciences, University of Kentucky( )- USA.She joined Salahaddin University-Erbil for two years period from September 1st ,2015 to september 1st,2017 to conduct her Ph.D. research on Education System in Kurdistan Region.The plan of her research project is to research in private secondary schools in Kurdistan by observing classrooms and interviewing students and teachers.Her is supervised by associate professor Dr.Diane E.King( [email protected] ) ( ). Mrs.Diana visit to Kurdistan is financially granted by the University of Kentucky. Mrs.Diana is now affiliated to the College of Basic Education,Salahaddin University for the above mentioned period.
11- Salahaddin University Participated for the first time in a cultural event in China:
Zhina Avdal Khudhur
Third Year, Biology Dept., College of Education,
Salahaddin University-Erbil
Zhina Avdal Khudhur the first member of the Kurdistan students Delegation to China was chosen to be the representative of the Salahadeen University-Erbil ( ) and handpicked by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research of Kurdistan Region among many other students. The Representatives traveled to China, along with a well planned time table to visit many popular temples, sights, and tours arranged by the China consul. This trip was very beneficial not only for Salahaddin University but for Kurdistan as a Nation.
Following the salutary assembly between H.E. Dr. Yousif Goran, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and H.E. Mr. Tan Banglin, the Consul General of the People's Republic of China on 29-06-2016 concerning a number of issues related to the higher education including joint cooperation, coordination and exchange programs between both countries and nations, the first Kurdish University Students delegation visited the People's Republic of China between 24-08-2016 to 05-09-2016.
The delegation was headed by Dr. Mohammed Hussein Ahmed, the International Relations Officer for H.E. the minister's office, Mr. Zhu, the consulate attaché who accompanied the delegation during the visit, along with ten top students representing ten different universities in Kurdistan Region who were chosen through interviews at the Ministry of Higher Education of Kurdistan.
The students chosen out of thousands of students are of the following that passed with excellence in a blind interview.
Names | University | Major | |
1 | Karwan Jaafar Mohammed | Zaxo | English Lang. |
2 | Waleed Chato Nuri | Koya | Engineering |
3 | Rand Kawa Mustafa | Sulaimani Polytechnic | Accounting |
4 | Hezha Bakhtiyar Abdalla | Halabja | English Lang. |
5 | Dewan Mohammed Abdalla | Garmian | English Lang. |
6 | Bryar Rashid Sharif | Sulaimani | Medicine |
7 | Ramin Khasro Hadi | Kurdistan | Medicine |
8 | Zhina Avdal Khudhur | Salahaddin | Biology |
9 | Dilan Jawhar Awla | Soran | English Lang. |
10 | Parwez Hussein Abdulkarim | Jarmoo | English Lang. |
The office for the consul general of China had arranged a program for the chosen group which covered visits to four main cities in China: Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and finally the capital city of Beijing. One of the most beneficial parts of the trip was a visit to Beijing Foreign Studies University. The delegation students were able to give out a successful presentation about Kurdistan which resulted in a future opening of a Kurdish studies Department at Beijing Foreign Studies University.
The presentation was started off by Zhina Avdal Khudhur who represented Salahaddin University-Erbil ( ).
I was happy to start off the Presentation after Dr. Mohammed Hussein ( To Tell a room that we don’t come from Iraq felt like I’m telling the world this is who we are ’’Kurds’’ from ‘’Kurdistan’’. On behalf of Kurdistan I thanked them for inviting us with such open arms. To make the Beijing University staff even more Happier, I was able to use what I learned in such a short time which was how to communicate in their language .Afterwards I told the other students to each call out their names and the University they come from before we show them through a well put presentation of Kurdistan. At the End of the presentation we were applauded and looked up to not only as students but as people and most importantly a Nation. The director was so pleased that he stated he will open a Kurdish studies Department. This was very beneficial for us as a country to be acknowledged by a country like China. A country that is the 3rd biggest as well as most populated in the world. I’m proud to be a representative of Salahaddin University that took place in this first time ever event and having such success. At the end of the Presentation Xue Qing Guo, professor and Director, Shaikh Zayed Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies ([email protected]), along with Niu Zimu, PhD Senior Lecturer ([email protected]) was very happy and proud to accept Sallahddin University, the biggest university in all of Kurdistan.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed, September 20th ,2016
12- From July 1st to August 31st, 2017 Mrs. Nadia Salah abdul Shafi Mohammed Shahen ([email protected]) is an Egyptein Ph.D. student at the University on Ain Shams will visit Salahaddin University as an international student exchange. Her visit is concerned with data and refernce liteature review and collections at Salahaddin University library for her Ph.D. research titled [ Political Parties and Organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan( 1946-1988)" A historical Study"].
Last Updated on June 7th, 2017
German Academic Exchange
DAAD (, German Academic Exchange Services is a german agency which cooperaties with Universities for promotion and support higher education development worldwide.DAAD programmes provides students and Universities academic staff the opportunities to study, research and trainings in german universities in different fields of science.
Since 2010, Salahaddin university became a strong partner of DAAD.Many university staffs have been awarded DAAD scholarships to continue education and study at German universities leading to Master and Ph.D. degrees.Among these:
1- Mr.Khalat Karim Mohammed ([email protected] ) has joined University Duisburg-Essen Propadeutkum-Germany to study Social work leading to M.A. degree.It is expected that the MA degree will be awarded to him in September 30th, 2017. The scholarship study is fully funded by DAAD.
2- Twleve workshops have conducted at the university of Freiberg-Germany for the academic staff and students of College of Engineering-Salahaddin University particularly to the staff and students of the department of Mechanical Engineering during 2012-2014. The workshops coverd different subjects and diciplines of the department of Mechanical Engineering.The workshops were fully funded by DAAD.
3- A laboratary (Station) of Solar and Wind Energy extraction and production were estrablished at the department of Mechanical Engineering.The cost of the station and installation were covered by DAAD. For this donation of 140 000 Euros of laboratory quipments and Software have been purchased by DAAD to Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering- Salahaddin University-Erbil.
4- Some 19 Salahaddin University acdemics from department of Geology participated Summer School Training workshop on Capacity Buildings in Geology in the period July 18th to August 18th, 2015 (one month).The training course was cdonducted at the University of Freiberg-Germany . The course was granted and funded by DAAD.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program, including the Fulbright-HaysProgram ( ), is a USA program of highly competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946.
Salahaddin University Staff members started since 2005 ,benefiting from this programm for research, tranings and study higher education in US universities leading to Master degree in the fields of interest.Among these:
1- Dr.Wasfi Tahir Kawhachi ( [email protected] ), dean of the college of Administration and Economics at Salahaddin university-Erbil, joined New Mexico University( ) at Albuqureque in the period May 25th to Sept. 5th 2011.During the mentioned period , Dr.Wasfi worked on research paper titled (Modifying the Likert Scaling in Negative and Positive Coding) in the field of Statistcs. The work was carried out under supervision Prof.Dr. Sul.Kessicieh ( [email protected] ) distinguished professor at Anderson Business School.The scholarship was fully funded by Fulbright Program.
2-Miss.Rubar Hamza( [email protected] ) has joined Texas Christian University-Texas-USA and studied Environmental Geology and the degree of M.Sc. was awarded to her in August 8th,2014.The scholarship was fully funded by Fulbright program.
3-Miss.Silva Hekmat Matti ( [email protected] ) has joined ST Marry University-One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio,Texas-USA and studying Software Engineering .It is expected that the degree of M.Sc. will be awarded to her in August 2017.The scholarship was fully funded by Fulbright program.
4- Dr.Sardar Yaseen Taha, Dr.Kasim Omar Aziz, Dr.Amjad Boya Solaka and Dr.Haifa Sadiq Yaseen from the College of Agriculture -Salahaddin university-Erbil, joined Michigan State University ( )-USA in the period June 26th to September 4rd,2011(70 days) to participate in a training course on Knowledge and Capacity Building on best Practices in Agriculture. The workshop was also included establishing relations with professional associations as well as explaining host department policies, Curriculum development, access to database, use of technology. instruction and student engagement. The workshop was fully granted and funded by Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program of Iraq.
5- Prof. Dr. Ayad M. Fadhil ([email protected] ) from the college of Agriculture-Salahaddin University ( )was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the Michigan State University ( at East Lansing for the period from 26 of June 2011 to 4 Sep. 2011. Dr.Ayad worked with Prof. Dr. Jiaguo Qi ([email protected] ) and Prof. Dr. Joseph Messina([email protected] ) at the Center of Global Change & Earth Observation (CGCEO) on the application of remote sensing and GIS for the climate change and environmental change monitoring. During his stay at the Michigan State University Dr.Ayad have installed a scientific collaboration with Prof. Qi and Prof. Messina for doing scientific researches related to using the remote sensing and GIS techniques for the environmental changes in Kurdistan region of Iraq, as well as to get their acceptance for sending Salahaddin University-Erbil postgraduate students to do some of their study researches at their laboratories and to use the modern scientific equipment of remote sensing and GIS at Mechigan State University.Salahaddin university-Erbil gave full official leave permission to Dr.Ayad in order to achive his mission.
6- Dr.Khder Niazi Nooraldeen, from department of Biology,College of Education-Salahaddin University-Erbil was a Fullbright visiting scholar at Kent State University (, Ohio-USA from July 8th to September 15th ,2012.The project titled" Knowledg and Capacity Building on Best Practices in Science and Technology". The workshop was fully granted and funded by Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program of Iraq.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
1- Mr.Govar Muayad Abdulla ( [email protected]) from Physics Department , College of Education-Salahaddin University has been awarded an Italian Scholarship for two years( 1/10/2015-1/10/2017) to study Material science leading to M.Sc. degree at the Universita della Calabria ( ).
2-Mr.Nihro Surdash Abdulkareem( [email protected] )has been awarded an Italian Scholarship for two years( 1/10/2015-1/10/2017) to study historical sciences leading to M.A. degree at the Universita della Calabria( ).
3- Mr.Hakar Abbas Aziz ([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian Scholarship to study accounting leading to at the university Calabria-Italy from October 1st to September 30th, 2018.
4- Miss.Hero Sabah Rahman([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian Scholarship to study Chemistry leading to M.Sc. degree at the university of Calabria-Italy from October 1st, 2016 to September 30th, 2018.
5- Mr.Hewa Taher Mustafa ([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian scholarship to study enviromental science( water & soil) leading to M.Sc. at the university of Calabria-Italy from October 1st,2016 to September 30th, 2018.
6- Miss. Aven Mahmood Wali([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian Scholarship to study law leading to MA degree at the University of Calabria-Italy from October 1st , 2016 to September 30th, 2018. Updated on September 22nd, 2016 Mohammed Azeez Saeed ([email protected])
1- Mr.Osama Kaml Mahmood ( [email protected] ) from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from the University of Ankara ( )-Turkey.
2-Mr.Waleed Jaafar Ibrahim ( [email protected] )from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from the University of Ege ( )-Turkey.
3- Mr.Tahseen Wsu Abdullah ([email protected] )from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarp for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from Gazi University ( )-Turkey.
4- Mr.Sarkan Salman Abubaker([email protected] ) from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from the University of Cukurova ( )-Turkey.
5- Miss. Zhala fadhil Saber ( [email protected] ) from the department of Fish Production, College of Agriculture-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study Fishing and processing Technology leading to degree in Fishing from the University of Ege ( )-Turkey.
6- Mr.Ashti Kader Rashid ( [email protected] ) from the department of Turkish language, College of Languages,Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarships for the period of two years ( 15/9/2015 - 15/9/2017) to study Social Work leading to MA degree from the University Hacettpe( ) Turkey. Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Development Partnership in Higher Education
DELPHE (Development Partnership in Higher Education) was a British Council ( programme released in 2011 and implemented during the years 2012/2013. The aim of the programme was to support a scientific research project to develop higher Education System in Iraq.Salahaddin University was honored by winning 5 projects among 8 projects designed for all Iraq , as follow:
Project One: To support a scientific research project to develop a quality assurance system at Salahaddin University-Erbil.Salahaddin University team were consisted of ( Dr.Nabil Adil Fakhri, Dr.Fatimah Rashid Hasan, Mr.Zhilan Tahir,Dr.Khwasbeen Sida Fattah, Dr.Yousuf Shareef Saeed,Sardar Ahmed Yaseen,Dr.Ibrahim Hamarash, Dr.Riadh Francis, Dr.Omer Ibrahim Azizand Taban Kamal Azeez).The project was implemented during December 9 to December 15th, 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of Coventry University( ) as a partner University.The project was financialy sponsored by the British Council under DELPHE project.
Project Two: A training programme was organised by Nottingham Trent University( [Leadr partner of DELPHE -Iraq project] during the period 6-11 February 2012.The DELPHE project was titled " Developing Research And Curricula" and Dr.Sirwan Ali Salih the lecture at the department of Archetucture/College of Engineering participated in the training.The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Project Three: Develop a Women Gender and Gender Studies Course at Salahaddin University-Erbil.Salahaddin University team were consisted of (Miss.Muzhdad Mohammed Azeez,Miss.Hataw Karim Khider and Miss.Dlaram Othman Salih) from the department of Social Works-College of Arts. The project was implemented in January 2011 and November 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of SOAS, University of London-UK.( ) as a partner University.Professor Dr.Nadje Al-Ali ( [email protected] ) from SOAS was the team leader and the organizer of the project implementation.The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Project Four: Conflict Analysis and Reconciliation-Interships and Seminars in London and Belfast.Salahddin University team were consisted of (Dr.Hewa Haji Khedir, Miss. Lawlaw Abdulaziz Ahmed , Mr.Salih Salahaddin Mustafa , Tavga Abbas Towfiq and Dr.Mohamad Abdullah Kaka Sur) .The project was implemented in March 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of Department of History, Queen Marry, University of London-UK.( ) as a partner University.Professor DrPeter Catterall from Queen Marry-University of London was the team leader and the organizer of the project implementation.The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Project Five: Developing Doctoral and Master Research Supervisory Practice at the University of Nottingham-Malasyia in the period May 9 to May 20,2011.Dr.Ismail Mohammed Fahmi from English department,College of Languages-Salahaddin University-Erebil participated in the project. The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
What is Francophone?
The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) (Francophone University Association) is a global network of French-speaking higher-education and research institutions. Founded in Montreal, Canada in 1961 as the Association des Universités Partiellement ou Entièrement de Langue Française (AUPELF). The AUF is a multilateral institution supporting co-operation and solidarity among French-speaking universities and institutions. It operates in the French-speaking countries of Africa, the Arab world, Southeast Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean. The AUF has 800 members (public and private universities, institutes of higher education, research centers and institutions, institutional networks, and networks of university administrators) distributed throughout francophone countries. It is active in 100 countries, and represented by regional offices and information centers on campuses and in institutes. The Association receives funding from La Francophonie, and its headquarters are located at the University of Montreal.
Salahaddin University-Erbil ( )is a full member of Francophone University Association since the year 2012 and the department of French Language at Salahaddin University -Erbil is a very active member of AUF and acheivede the follwing activities:…
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Aladdin Project
Salahaddin University Participated for the second time in Aladdin Project
(The International Summer University for Intercultural Leadership)
Two students from College of Basic Education/ English Department participated in the Aladdin annual program. Sarwan Sdeeq Hasan (MA student in Linguistics, [email protected]) and Twana Faidhy Jameel (Third year BA student,[email protected]) were the two representatives of Salahaddin University in the International Summer University in Cappadocia, Turkey.
Aladdin Project ( ) is an international summer university annual program for intercultural leadership places under the patronage of UNESCO and the European Parliament. The program had three summer universities so far. The first summer university took place in Bahcesehire University, Istanbul in July 2013, and gathered 53 students from 16 partner universities to discuss the theme "The causes of wars and genocides in the 20th century". The second summer university was in Berlin, Germany that 56 students attended to talk about "Religions, peace and conflict in the 21st century". The last one was this year's program, which took place in Cappadocia Turkey from 19th July to 2nd August 2015, under the title "The power of image: truth, manipulation and intolerance"; around 70 (BA, MA, PhD) students, from 5 continents, 16 countries and 24 universities, have participated in the program
The aim of the program is gathering students from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin American Countries and the United States of America for two weeks, in order to develop their intercultural skills and give them the opportunity to study key issue in international affairs with other students from diverse cultural, religious and ethnic background.
With the advent of mass media and the internet, the modern world has shifted from a print culture to a visual culture: a new age of image centered communication has begun. In this transition, the use of analogical thinking has also shifted from verbal metaphors to visual ones. This shift is particularly evident in the use of intercultural communication. This year's program explored the power of images as basic and indispensable tool of cultural interaction: how images are processed, how they function in relation to our innermost beings, and how they form the psychological fabric of our political, social, and economic environment. There was a focus on the role of the various which impact our lives: how visual images create a language with profound psychological meaning, and how print, television, film and the newly-arrived social media manipulate images to create desired emotional effects. This year's program looked at the most controversial areas of image persuasiveness today: advertising, politics and entertainment. Cutting across many disciplines (psychology. Politics, history, sociology, law, religion studies, journalism, etc.), the course was done in the form of a lecture series combined with active participation by students in the form of project presentations and discussion groups.
The first day after arrival, with his Excellency (Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dezaye) the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil, the opening ceremony started with some welcome speeches by Enver Yucel, the chairman of the board, Abe Radkin, special advisor to the Director General of UNESCO and Executive Director of the Aladdin Project, and some other officials and academicians. His Excellency (Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dezaye) the president of Salahaddin University also had his words with presenting a seminar by using slideshows about the new modern Campus of Salahaddin University. Then as it was planned, the program transferred to Cappadocia, which was 10 hours away from Istanbul by bus.
The lectures where taught by some professors, politicians and journalists from different countries:
- (The Power of Images: Media, Myths and Stereotypes) by prof. Lucy Nussiebeh from Al-Quds University.
- (Representation of the Other in Print & Social Media) by prof. Nilufer Narli from Bahcesehir University.
- (The Image and Muslim traditions) by Prof Nilufer Narli.
- (Complexity Enlightenment and Resistance) by Prof. Lucy Nusseibeh.
- (The Images in Marketing and Advertising) by Prof. Tulin Erdem from New York University.
- (Use and Misuse of images in politics) by By Ozcan Mutlu the former MP in Germany and Member of Bundestag.
- (The power of Movement Images) by Prof. All Akay from Mimar Sinan University and he is also a very popular director and writer.
- (Robots) by Dr Emel from Stanford University.
- (The Image of the Other in Jewish and Muslims Confrontation) by prof. Tudor parfit from from Florida int. University.
- (The History of Jews) by prof. David Katz from Princeton University in Tal-Abib.
- (Christianity: from Icon to Image) by prof. David Katz from Princeton University in Tal-Abib.
- (Images in linguistics: Signifier and Signified) by prof. Tudor Parfit from Florida Univeraity.
- (Anne Frank) by a journalist Yves Kugelmann.
- (The Religions and Culture and Traditions) by one of the participants Fulnayo West PhD student in Harvard University.
- (The image and Mythic Tadiations) by Prof. Cengiz Sisman from Huston University.
- (Extremists and their Manipulation of Images) by Prof. Riva Kastoryano.
- (The West and East: Confronting Images with Reality) by prof. Yalmaz Esmer from Bahceshir University.
- (The Political of Perception in the Image Age) by prof. Riva Kastoryano Sciences of Paris.
Generally, the program was holding some messages to be conveyed like: peace, humanity, human right, women right, respect different religions and diverse cultural believes, and creating a strong united community instead of the whole world.
Research project was another plan of the program. Students were equally divided into groups of four or five reflecting their different countries and cultural background, to work together on a common research project. Each group had to present a draft plan by the end of the summer university. Final research projects are to be completed after the two-week program and submitted to an international panel of academics in October 2015.
Beside of all these, there were some other extra activities like tours to the historical, traditional and tourism areas at nights and weekend. Some parties also were held in order to make students to get closer and show their traditions.
In one of the night parties, participants should present a program about their culture and traditions. Our two students presented a program with two others from the American University of Sulaimani about: Kurdistan, bloody histoty, Kurdish flag, Nawroz and Kurdish Year and its story, Peshmarga, the huge number of refuges. They also ended the program with some Kurdish dance.
At the same party Mr. Enver Yucel, the chairman of the board, promised to make a big building and name it Peace House. All the participants were honored the titled Pease Ambassadors, and the chairman also decided to hold all the students' names and photos on the walls of the Peace House, besides he asked the participants to come back to Cappadocia every year to describe for the tourists about what had happened in the area during the two weeks of the summer university.
The participants in this international summer university had very positive views about Kurdistan especially Peshmarga. Prof. Nilufer Gole during her lecture at the opening ceremony said "Now, Peshmarga forces are the only hope and pride of the whole world, not only Kurds". Matt was an American student, during the battle between Turkish forces and ISIS on the border, his family called him and wanted him to get back to the US immediately, but he replied "Between me and ISIS, there are millions of Kurds, so you don’t have to be worry about me".
There was a graduation ceremony at the last night of the program. The students got two international certificates (Diploma) from Aladdin project and Bahcesehir University with the partnership of UNESCO and European Commission Erasmus+. Finally, the students departed in tears, because there were very strong relationships between them.
Salahaddin University Participated for the third time in Aladdin Project
Baku-Azerbaijan, Aladin Project (
The International Summer University for Intercultural leadership is a program organized by the Aladdin Project with the support of the European commission, under the patronage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that took place in Baku-Azerbaijan, from July 24th to August 7th , 2016.
53 students from 26 different universities in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the United States, and Brazil participated in this two week cultural and Academic journey.
Salahaddin University-Erbil ( ) was the only University that was chosen in the entire Iraq to participate in this program with two students that were chosen based on merit.They are:
- Ms. Raman Mohammed Omar,([email protected]), Third year, Department of English language, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.
The theme of this year’s two-week course was “Migration and the Future of Intercultural Relations”, the lectures were given by internationally-recognized scholars, and during the two-week course we formed groups in order to do a group research.
The research project should be submitted in October 2016 and will be reviewed by an international jury and which will qualify us for the Aladdin Awards which are given every year during a special ceremony in Paris.
During these two weeks we also had the chance to see the beautiful places of Azerbaijan.
The program organized a cultural night show which allowed us to present our cultures and to know more about each other’s cultures.
I was able to show a presentation about Kurdistan Amongst the participants to introduce the history and the culture of the Kurds to them, my work got praised and they were happy to know this information about Kurdistan and they told me to take Kurdistan’s flag everywhere.
Eventually in 6th of August we received our certificates during the closing ceremony which took place in Jumeirah beach Hotel, and the certificates were given to us by the Deputy minister of education of Azerbaijan, and I was able to raise the Kurdistan flag while I received my certificates and I felt so proud that I represented my one and only country Kurdistan.
It is worth to mention that Salahaddin university-Erbil, for the third year (since summer 2014), participating in Aladdin Project by sending two students each year.
The president of Salahaddin University, assistant professor Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye ( [email protected]), also participated in the opening ceremony of the mentioned summer university in Baku and presented the academic bright face of Salahaddin University-Erbil.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed ,Erbil, August 28th, 2016
The Slide show given below presented in this summer university workshop on Kurdistan Region
Professor Dr.Ibrahim Hamarash visited Monash University( - Australia on a one-month Endeavour Executive Fellowship. He is a Professor of electrical engineering and is Vice-President of Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies at Salahaddin University-Erbil in Kurdistan, Iraq. Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are internationally competitive and highly priced, merit-based scholarships provided by the Australian Government ( ).
It is worth to mention that Professor Dr.Ibrahim Hamarash previously visited Monash University on an Endeavour Postdoc Scholarship in 2007 to pursue research in electrical engineering and automation.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
International Cooperations
International cooperation in higher education with international universities, institutions and organizations are the key point in promotion and progressing any university and for intrenationalization of the university. For this,Salahaddin University have started communications and working with international universities, higher educations institutions and programs in order to aciquire the world expereince in developing higher education programmes.
Erasmus Mundus Action2, SALAM Project
Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 7 is a European Union scholarship programme for promoting structured cooperation and European Higher Education for Third world countries.
A branch of this project is specifically directed for citizens of Iraq, Iran and Yemen. This branch is named SALAM from the Arabic word which means “Peace”. The letters of this name in English is interpreted as SALAM = Study Abroad, Learning & Mobility.
The SALAM project of 18 Universities (7 European Universities and 11 Universities from Iraq, Iran and Yemen). The programme launched in May 2012 while implementation started from September 2013 and lasts until July 2016.
Salahaddin University-Erbil became a full partnership of Erasmus Mundus Action2 SALAM from May 2012 and had observed activities in the project.
The SALAM project is coordinated and supervised by the University of Warsaw-Poland
The main objectives of the partnership include organization of mobility of students, young researchers, academic and administrative staff in line with the accepted proposal; facilitating the development of critical skills necessary for functioning in the knowledge‑based society; implementation of quality measures and transfer of expertise within the partnership; visibility measures and dissemination of the outcomes, ensuring sustainability of the network and contribution to the development of a cross-cultural understanding. Implemented activities in connection with these objectives will cover all levels of studies in all fields of studies.
Salahaddin University Beneficiaries:
So far, the mobilities from Salahaddin University benefited Erasmus Mundus Action 2, SALAM Project are:
- Dr.Ali Tofiq Hassan, Post doctorate, International Law, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Dr.Muhammed Fakhri Omer, Post doctorate, Geology, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Dr.Mohammed Rashid Mochtar, Staff, Chemistry, University of Algarve, Faro-Portugal.
- Haval Hussen Saeed,Ph.D. student, Education, Teacher Training, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Ibrahim Nooradin Fathi, MA student, Linguistics, University of Lille 1, France.
- Zewa Eshaya Dawood, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Omer Mustafa Ibrahim, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Bewar Tahir, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Dyari Abbas Mamand, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Karzan Mohammed Abdulreahman. Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Barzan Rzgar Mohammed, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Shakir Abdulsalam Hadi, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Aeram Sabah Muhiaddin, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Hedi Jamal Abdullah, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
- Heba Khalid Abdullah, Undergraduate, Modern EC languages, University of Warsaw-Poland.
Miss.Basima Othman Mahmood( [email protected] ) has joined Georg-August Gottingen University-Germany to study Language Change and Irregulations leading to Ph.D. degree. It is expected that the Ph.D. degree will be warded to her in January 2016.The scholarship study is fully funded by Erasmus Mundus Programme.
This project terminated in July 2016 and the final report was submitted to the EU by Warsaw University-Poland.
Steering Committee of Erasmus Mundus Action2- SALAM Scholarships programme
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. Education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help tackle socio-economic changes, the key challenges that Europe will be facing until the end of the decade and to support the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion.
Moreover, there is a need to provide youth organizations and youth workers with training and cooperation opportunities, to develop their professionalism.
The Erasmus+ Programme is designed to support Programme Countries' efforts to efficiently use the potential of Europe’s human talent and social capital, while confirming the principle of lifelong learning by linking support to formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the education, training and youth fields. The Programme also enhances the opportunities for cooperation and mobility with Partner Countries, notably in the fields of higher education and youth.Salahaddin university -erbil is a partnership of two Erasmus + program, which are:
1- GeoNetic: Salahaddin University-Erbil submitted a research proposal to the Erasmus + shared with its partner University [University of Lund-Sweden]. The project is concerned with the environment, Climate Change and applications of GIS in Kurdistan Region as a case study. The departments of Environment, Physics, Geology and Geography will be able to carry out different GIS applications for dealing environmental problems both in rural and urban areas. It is hoped that EU commission will approve the project and implementation starts soon.
Dear Dr.Ahmed Dezaye,President Salahaddin university -Erbil
We are pleased to inform you that your organisation SALAHADDIN UNIVERSITY ERBIL has been validated in the EC Participant’s database as a Public, Non-profit and Higher Education Establishment with the following PIC 949382748.
We kindly inform you that you have been appointed as the LEAR in our system. You will soon receive an email with instructions on how to activate or upgrade your user account.
Kind regards,Jacqueline Magallón
European Commission
Research Executive Agency
Unit C3 Participant Validation and Support
COV2 13/20 - B-1049 Brussels/BelgiumDate: August 14th,2015
Project Name: Erasmus+
Project Number: 561967-EPP-1-2015-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2015-3767/001-001)
Title: International MSc Educational Program in Environmental Management and Modeling (GeoNetC).
This project is a grant given by European Commission to open and establish a course at Salahaddin University and Dohuk University in Kurdistan Region on the impact of climate change.
The projects started on 15/10/2015 and continue until 14/10/2018.During this period a detail programme of the mentioned course will be written. The project is a partnership programme with two Iranian universities and four European universities and coordinated by Lund University-Sweden. The project is fully financially funded by European Union.
The first kick off meeting of the partners of the project was hold at Lund University-Sweden ( in the period March 10th t0 12th ,2016.In this meeting the partner universities were dicide to establish team works on the 13 modules of the project.
Erasmus Plus group Photo-Kick off meeting, March 12th 2016, Lund University-Sweden
The second meeting is planned to be held in the Institute of Geodesy of Vilinius Gedmininas Technical University (, Vilinius-Lithuania in the period October 25th-29th, 2016.Project partners from Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania, Portugal, Iran and Kurdistan region-Iraq will come together in Vilinius to discuss and detail project implementation as well as presenting the progress after the kick off meeting in March 2016.Salahaddin university will participate in this proposed meeting via a delegation of three academic staff.
In the above mentioned period,the workshop was conducted.The representatives of all the partner universities were present.The three days meeting were very fruitful and many suggestions and decisions were made in order to forward the project implementation. Dr.Mohammed Azeez Saeed sepcialist in Climatology represented Salahaddin university -Erbil in the workshop.
Group Photo,Second Erasmus Plus meeting, VGTU-Vilnius-Lithuania, October 28 , 2016.
Third meeting of Erasmus+ GeoNetC was held at ITC University of Twente, Enschede- Netherlands in the period January 16th to January 21st, 2017.
The meeting concentrated on Developing online M.Sc. Courses on Climate Change, Food Security, Environmental Change and Environmental Parameters.
2- Project Name: Erasmus Plus: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Title: Online Platform for Academic Teaching and learning in Iraq and Iran/ OPATEL
It is a second European Union project in which Salahaddin university-Erbil participating with 13 partner Universities and institutes in Europe, Iran and Iraq. They are:
1-Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK)-Germany, Coordinator of the program.
2-Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandمo (ISPAB)-Portugal
3-University of Patras (UPAT)- Greece
4-Int@E UG (Int@E)- Germany
5-University of Duhok (UoD)-Kurdistan-Iraq
6-Salahaddin University-Erbil (SU)-Kurdistan-Iraq
7-University of Baghdad (UoB)-Iraq
8-Duhok Polytechnic University (DPU)-Kurdistan-Iraq
9-University of Basrah (UOB)-Iraq
10-Sanandaj branch, Islamic Azad University (IAUSDJ)-Iran
11-Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)-Iran
12-Paulo & Beatriz – Consultores Associados, Lda (P&B)-Portigal
13-University of Torbat-e Heydarieh (UTH)-Iran
The aim of OPATEL consists in establishing and developing a center to train staff and students in Iraq & Iran universities by using Online Platform for TEaching and learning to be as a hub for using best practices in ICT in education, as well as raising competencies of lecturers and teachers by enhancing the learning processes of students.
Wider Objectives:
1. Establish a well-equipped center for E-Learning in partner universities
2. Transfer EU-experience in areas of E-Learning, skills development and merge new generations
3. Training and follow up with staff and students on how to develop, share learning objects, and collaborate their courses, presentations and exercises on online platform.
4. Improve quality of teaching and learning by building the capacity of universities how to evaluate, develop and design e-courses.
5. Enhancing cooperation with EU partners through mutual visits to develop strategies how to move from teaching to learning and developing scalable sustainable solutions.
The use of Online Platform will steer the education, technical ICT in the right direction. Training of staff to enhance and develop their abilities, will promote reform and modernization of higher education in both countries.
Through this platform, partner universities will have a new vision in education systems and this will enhance quality and relevance of higher education. They publish their results to other universities in the Training coaches mentors continuously through EU trainers, this will achieve the application of means and methods of modern and innovative education and training. Accordingly, the transfer of EU-experience in areas of E-Learning in education will be applied.
This solves problems of usage of E-Learning in education; participants create and publish common methodology and documentation for lifelong learning, E-learning and training for Iran and Iraq in accordance with EU-Standards.
Three languages will be used in the project: Arabic, Persian and English.
Many factors will be used for dissemination and success of OPATEL such as press and media; presenting progress via websites; participation of staff and students, governmental support participation of ministries of high educations and other HEIs. Thus, the general objective of the project improving the quality of teaching and learning at the Iran and Iraq universities through incorporating technological tools in consistence with pedagogical best practices and by building the capacity of the universities to evaluate, develop and design e-curricula, as well as raise the competencies of individual lecturers and teachers to become ability to use the ICT and eLearning for teaching. Another target of this project is building a strong and deep connection between higher education, teachers, students and society. Specifics of target groups like teachers, lecturers and Online Platform for Academic TEaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran / OPATEL
Administrators in Iran and Iraq.
A set of activities proposed and the working methodology to be used for achieving the objectives:
1. Review, state of the art, Agreement and Network between partners
- Project start up activities
- Prepare operation plan and methodology to develop and update the strategies used to ensure the
sustainability to use ICT in Teaching and Learning
2. Assessment studies for the needs of teachers, lecturers and administrators
- Analyse and identify different entities to utilise ICT in education
- List of needed skills in ICT and E-Learning
- Nominate IT specialists at consortium universities
3. Purchase of teaching equipment and bibliographic material
- Selection of equipment: All partners in Iran and Iraq have select the equipment for the project.
- Implementation of the Platform for E-Learning Systems as a center to train the staff, teachers lecturers and later students.
4. Make E-Learning System an integrated part in educations and teaching
- Develop teaching and learning programs for the Staff, teachers, lecturers and administrators.
- Training courses to train staff, lecturers, teachers and administrators in competency based learning.
- Developing E-Learning System and integrate it effectively in practice and application in the teaching and learning at the universities
5.Quality control and monitoring
- Quality control, monitoring and budgetary control
- Check of quality assurance and evaluation plan courses materials & courses placement and courses
- Project task supervision, result evaluation, a verification of targets and success indicators that have been defined within this project.
6.Project Dissemination
- Opening of the project via Internet, social media and ministry of high educations
- Prepare and conduct internal/external information events, mid-term/final conferences
- Participation in annual erasmus project meeting.
- Distribution of project documentation material (Media, banners, flyers, Facebook), seminars and workshop
7.Exploitation of results and sustainability
- Involve the public/private universities and ministry of high educations
- Make the E-learning is mandatory to use in teaching
- Courses sustainability in long-term perspective
- Work on the development of this rule on an ongoing basis and update equipment and staff development
- Workshop on broader strategic options as follow-up project activities
8. Coordination and management of the project
- Project management & coordination meetings, steering committee meetings
- Activity & result monitoring & Evaluation
- Activity and budget planning and budget control, reporting.
As the project manager, HTWK is responsible for overall operation of the project and its smooth running, financial and administrative management including the preparation of budget and reports, timelines and A Steering Committee composed by one representative for each partner of project will be formed. It will be responsible for project management and monitor the progress of all activities.
HTWK and local coordinators will make strategic decisions about the development of the project and ensure that activities are well organized and completed on schedule and that all deadlines are met and objectives achieved. HTWK and local coordinators will also be responsible for authorizing the purchase of all equipment, customs duties and all connected paperwork.
Local coordinator UoD in visits all partner in Iraq for controlling and management the project, writing Online Platform for Academic TEaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran / OPATEL Reports about project phases, make control about the bought equipment and send all reports to HTWK Local coordinator IAUSDJ in Iran visit all partner in Iran for controlling and management the project, writing reports about project phases, make control about the bought equipment and send all reports to UoD and IAUSDJ visit HTWK more times and discuss all project phases and the need of the partners in Iraq and Iran.
EU partners (HTWK, UPAT,UPJS, P&B and Int@E) will visit all partners in Iraq and Iran more times for training, for quality controlling and for dissemination and exploitation of results and sustainability. EU partners visit Iraq and Iran in the same flight to spare the travel and stay cost. They travel between partners to train partners monitoring and and to check the progress of the project phases.
From March 13-16th, 2017 the Erasmus +, OPATEL kick off meeting was held at Lipezig University of Applied Sciences,Leipzig-Germany.The aim of the meeting was to introduce the partner universities themselves and to put forward the steps and plans for the implementation of the program. The program is for establishing Online Platform for Academic Teaching and learning in Iraq and Iran coordinated by HWTK and financially sponsored by European Union.The meeting was successful.
E-Learning Laboratory at Salahaddin University: In Erasmus Plus/OPATEL project about 25,200 Euros grand has been allocated by the European Union to establish an e-learning laboratory. A special committee at salahaddin university has finalized the list of required upto date equipment and announced for tendering.The laboratory will be established at the directorate of Rescearch center soon.
Today Thursday, June 15th, 2017 Erasmus Plus meeting was held at salahaddin University guest house meeting hall. The meeting was conducted by professor Dr.Riyadh Qashi , the coordinator of the project from Leipzig university of Applied sciences, Leipzig-Germany. The representatives of the Iraqi partner Universities( Salahaddin University, University of Dohuk, Dohuk Polytechnic University and University of Basra are participated in the meeting.In the meeting the following titles are tackeled and discussied:
1- How to buy Equipment for establishing e-learning centers at partners Universities.
2- Staff convention, that is the paper work for the staff payment working days.
3- Staff and students survey on e-learning system applications.The future trainings on e-learning needs of partner universities were discussed.
Dr.Riyadh Qashi conducted the seminar presentation and gave valuable information on the subjects mentioned above .
Updated on June 16th, 2017
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Student Exchange
Salahaddin University working hard to change the university from national university to international university.
One of the key points is to accept international students to study at Salahaddin University ( both undergraduate and postgraduate students) in different fields and deciplines.
Student exchange is also another factor considered in internationalization of the universities.
1- Miss.Irene Costantini, Ph.D. student in International Relations ( Political Science) at the school of International Studies, University of Trento-Italy visited Salahaddin University -Erbil in the period of November 1st, 2013 to December 15th, 2013 .she carried out her research on international intervention in confict/post-conflict sutiations , Iraq as a case study. Salahaddin University assigned Dr.Sherzad Ammen Al-Najar( [email protected]) professor of politacl science to supervise her study during the above mentioned. Salahaddin University accommodated her at the University dormitaory for girls in the above mentioned period free of charge.
Name:Miss. Irene Costantini, Ph.D.student , Political Science, University of Trento-Italy ( [email protected] ). Her first supervisor is Professor Roberto Belloni ( [email protected] ) ,professor of International Relations, University of Trento-Italy.
2- Mrs. Arzu Wahab Ahmad is a student at the department of arabic/Department of Foreigen Languages at the University of Bergen-Norway.She joined the department of Arabic language/College of Education-Salahaddin University-Erbil for the academic year 2014-2015.
She started studying third year class one full time academic year from October 2014 and ended her study in June 2015.The marks she scored have been transferred in to the ECTS Euroeapen System and sent to the Bergen University for their action and consideration.
Name: Arzu Wahab Ahmad, third class-Arabic Language,University of Bergen-Norway; email address:[email protected] , Mobile: 00479 588 2369.
3- Three undergrate students in the field of political sciences from Russia have attended one month learning Kurdish Language course from August 3rd to September 3rd , 2014 at the language center of Salahaddin university.The names are:
Mr. Daniel Hakimov Davronbekovich.
Mr. Artem Makarov Alekseevich.
Mr. Hikmet Esser-Kan.
4- Mr.Mustafa Muhamat Ibrahim Mesten ( [email protected] ), MA student at the department of Arabic Language/ Institute of Social Sciences for Foreign languages/ Gazi University, Ankara Turky.He joined Salahaddin university to receive one academic year(2014-2015) courses on two subjects:
- Translations from Turkish to Arabic and from Arabic to Turkish.
- Comparative Literature in Arabic.
The first subject is taught by Dr.Hazim Burhan Mustafa, while the second subject is taught by Dr.Goran Salahaddin Shuker.
5- Miss. Weronica Ȍhrt an undergraduate student from University of Uppsala-Sweden has participated in Kurdish language course at college of Basic Education .The course duration was between 4th February - 20th June 2013. The course was specifically designed to meet the needs of the student. During this period she had 4 days class plus one hour class observation and listening. The topics she took were Reading and Writing, Grammar, Translation and Kurdish Proverbs and Idioms. The course was taught by experienced teaching staff at the college and the student was very happy with the results and outcomes.
6-Mr.Nikita Vyskobov , Russian student has participated Kurdish language course at college of Basic Education .The course duration was between 11th January – 6th April, 2015.The course was specifically designed to meet the needs of the student. During this period she had 4 days class plus one hour class observation and listening. The topics she took were Reading and Writing, Grammar, Translation, Conversation and Kurdish Proverbs and Idioms. The course was taught by experienced teaching staff at the college and the student was very happy with the results and outcomes.
7- Fifteen undergraduate students from Turkish Department-College of Languages of Salahaddin University joined Bahcesehir University-Istanbul-Turkey from August 15th to August 31st, 2015 to participate in an intensive advanced Turkish language Course.The training course was fully granted by Bahcesehir University.For Further information , please contact Dr.Hazim Burhan Mustafa ( [email protected] ).
8- Every year since 2009, during the month of July about 6 undergraduatre students from Turkish department-College of Languages-Salahaddin University participates in intensive advanced Turkish language course at Bilkent University-Ankara.The training courses are fully funded by Bilkent University-Ankara.For more information, please contact Dr.Hazim Burhan Mustafa ( [email protected] ).
9- Mr.Tom patrick Meleady ( Patrick Meleady.pdf ) is currently a student in International Studies Bachelor Program at Roskilde University( ), Denmark. He is going to join Salahaddin University-Erbil in the period September 4th to October 25,2015. Tom ([email protected] )conducts a fieldwork in Kurdistan that concerns with nation building in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq. His thesis at Denmark is supervised by prof. Anton Petrenko( [email protected]).Salahaddin University( ) provides him short stay accommodation at the university guest house free of charge and assistant professor Dr.Sarhang Barzinji ( [email protected] ), [ mobile; 00964(0) 750 449 0517 ] will supervise and guide him during the period of his visit to Kurdistan.
10- Mrs.Diana Patterson Hatchett, Ph.D. student at the Department of Anthropology-College of Arts & Sciences, University of Kentucky( )- USA.She joined Salahaddin University-Erbil for two years period from September 1st ,2015 to september 1st,2017 to conduct her Ph.D. research on Education System in Kurdistan Region.The plan of her research project is to research in private secondary schools in Kurdistan by observing classrooms and interviewing students and teachers.Her is supervised by associate professor Dr.Diane E.King( [email protected] ) ( ). Mrs.Diana visit to Kurdistan is financially granted by the University of Kentucky. Mrs.Diana is now affiliated to the College of Basic Education,Salahaddin University for the above mentioned period.
11- Salahaddin University Participated for the first time in a cultural event in China:
Zhina Avdal Khudhur
Third Year, Biology Dept., College of Education,
Salahaddin University-Erbil
Zhina Avdal Khudhur the first member of the Kurdistan students Delegation to China was chosen to be the representative of the Salahadeen University-Erbil ( ) and handpicked by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research of Kurdistan Region among many other students. The Representatives traveled to China, along with a well planned time table to visit many popular temples, sights, and tours arranged by the China consul. This trip was very beneficial not only for Salahaddin University but for Kurdistan as a Nation.
Following the salutary assembly between H.E. Dr. Yousif Goran, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and H.E. Mr. Tan Banglin, the Consul General of the People's Republic of China on 29-06-2016 concerning a number of issues related to the higher education including joint cooperation, coordination and exchange programs between both countries and nations, the first Kurdish University Students delegation visited the People's Republic of China between 24-08-2016 to 05-09-2016.
The delegation was headed by Dr. Mohammed Hussein Ahmed, the International Relations Officer for H.E. the minister's office, Mr. Zhu, the consulate attaché who accompanied the delegation during the visit, along with ten top students representing ten different universities in Kurdistan Region who were chosen through interviews at the Ministry of Higher Education of Kurdistan.
The students chosen out of thousands of students are of the following that passed with excellence in a blind interview.
Names | University | Major | |
1 | Karwan Jaafar Mohammed | Zaxo | English Lang. |
2 | Waleed Chato Nuri | Koya | Engineering |
3 | Rand Kawa Mustafa | Sulaimani Polytechnic | Accounting |
4 | Hezha Bakhtiyar Abdalla | Halabja | English Lang. |
5 | Dewan Mohammed Abdalla | Garmian | English Lang. |
6 | Bryar Rashid Sharif | Sulaimani | Medicine |
7 | Ramin Khasro Hadi | Kurdistan | Medicine |
8 | Zhina Avdal Khudhur | Salahaddin | Biology |
9 | Dilan Jawhar Awla | Soran | English Lang. |
10 | Parwez Hussein Abdulkarim | Jarmoo | English Lang. |
The office for the consul general of China had arranged a program for the chosen group which covered visits to four main cities in China: Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and finally the capital city of Beijing. One of the most beneficial parts of the trip was a visit to Beijing Foreign Studies University. The delegation students were able to give out a successful presentation about Kurdistan which resulted in a future opening of a Kurdish studies Department at Beijing Foreign Studies University.
The presentation was started off by Zhina Avdal Khudhur who represented Salahaddin University-Erbil ( ).
I was happy to start off the Presentation after Dr. Mohammed Hussein ( To Tell a room that we don’t come from Iraq felt like I’m telling the world this is who we are ’’Kurds’’ from ‘’Kurdistan’’. On behalf of Kurdistan I thanked them for inviting us with such open arms. To make the Beijing University staff even more Happier, I was able to use what I learned in such a short time which was how to communicate in their language .Afterwards I told the other students to each call out their names and the University they come from before we show them through a well put presentation of Kurdistan. At the End of the presentation we were applauded and looked up to not only as students but as people and most importantly a Nation. The director was so pleased that he stated he will open a Kurdish studies Department. This was very beneficial for us as a country to be acknowledged by a country like China. A country that is the 3rd biggest as well as most populated in the world. I’m proud to be a representative of Salahaddin University that took place in this first time ever event and having such success. At the end of the Presentation Xue Qing Guo, professor and Director, Shaikh Zayed Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies ([email protected]), along with Niu Zimu, PhD Senior Lecturer ([email protected]) was very happy and proud to accept Sallahddin University, the biggest university in all of Kurdistan.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed, September 20th ,2016
12- From July 1st to August 31st, 2017 Mrs. Nadia Salah abdul Shafi Mohammed Shahen ([email protected]) is an Egyptein Ph.D. student at the University on Ain Shams will visit Salahaddin University as an international student exchange. Her visit is concerned with data and refernce liteature review and collections at Salahaddin University library for her Ph.D. research titled [ Political Parties and Organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan( 1946-1988)" A historical Study"].
Last Updated on June 7th, 2017
German Academic Exchange
DAAD (, German Academic Exchange Services is a german agency which cooperaties with Universities for promotion and support higher education development worldwide.DAAD programmes provides students and Universities academic staff the opportunities to study, research and trainings in german universities in different fields of science.
Since 2010, Salahaddin university became a strong partner of DAAD.Many university staffs have been awarded DAAD scholarships to continue education and study at German universities leading to Master and Ph.D. degrees.Among these:
1- Mr.Khalat Karim Mohammed ([email protected] ) has joined University Duisburg-Essen Propadeutkum-Germany to study Social work leading to M.A. degree.It is expected that the MA degree will be awarded to him in September 30th, 2017. The scholarship study is fully funded by DAAD.
2- Twleve workshops have conducted at the university of Freiberg-Germany for the academic staff and students of College of Engineering-Salahaddin University particularly to the staff and students of the department of Mechanical Engineering during 2012-2014. The workshops coverd different subjects and diciplines of the department of Mechanical Engineering.The workshops were fully funded by DAAD.
3- A laboratary (Station) of Solar and Wind Energy extraction and production were estrablished at the department of Mechanical Engineering.The cost of the station and installation were covered by DAAD. For this donation of 140 000 Euros of laboratory quipments and Software have been purchased by DAAD to Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering- Salahaddin University-Erbil.
4- Some 19 Salahaddin University acdemics from department of Geology participated Summer School Training workshop on Capacity Buildings in Geology in the period July 18th to August 18th, 2015 (one month).The training course was cdonducted at the University of Freiberg-Germany . The course was granted and funded by DAAD.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program, including the Fulbright-HaysProgram ( ), is a USA program of highly competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946.
Salahaddin University Staff members started since 2005 ,benefiting from this programm for research, tranings and study higher education in US universities leading to Master degree in the fields of interest.Among these:
1- Dr.Wasfi Tahir Kawhachi ( [email protected] ), dean of the college of Administration and Economics at Salahaddin university-Erbil, joined New Mexico University( ) at Albuqureque in the period May 25th to Sept. 5th 2011.During the mentioned period , Dr.Wasfi worked on research paper titled (Modifying the Likert Scaling in Negative and Positive Coding) in the field of Statistcs. The work was carried out under supervision Prof.Dr. Sul.Kessicieh ( [email protected] ) distinguished professor at Anderson Business School.The scholarship was fully funded by Fulbright Program.
2-Miss.Rubar Hamza( [email protected] ) has joined Texas Christian University-Texas-USA and studied Environmental Geology and the degree of M.Sc. was awarded to her in August 8th,2014.The scholarship was fully funded by Fulbright program.
3-Miss.Silva Hekmat Matti ( [email protected] ) has joined ST Marry University-One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio,Texas-USA and studying Software Engineering .It is expected that the degree of M.Sc. will be awarded to her in August 2017.The scholarship was fully funded by Fulbright program.
4- Dr.Sardar Yaseen Taha, Dr.Kasim Omar Aziz, Dr.Amjad Boya Solaka and Dr.Haifa Sadiq Yaseen from the College of Agriculture -Salahaddin university-Erbil, joined Michigan State University ( )-USA in the period June 26th to September 4rd,2011(70 days) to participate in a training course on Knowledge and Capacity Building on best Practices in Agriculture. The workshop was also included establishing relations with professional associations as well as explaining host department policies, Curriculum development, access to database, use of technology. instruction and student engagement. The workshop was fully granted and funded by Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program of Iraq.
5- Prof. Dr. Ayad M. Fadhil ([email protected] ) from the college of Agriculture-Salahaddin University ( )was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the Michigan State University ( at East Lansing for the period from 26 of June 2011 to 4 Sep. 2011. Dr.Ayad worked with Prof. Dr. Jiaguo Qi ([email protected] ) and Prof. Dr. Joseph Messina([email protected] ) at the Center of Global Change & Earth Observation (CGCEO) on the application of remote sensing and GIS for the climate change and environmental change monitoring. During his stay at the Michigan State University Dr.Ayad have installed a scientific collaboration with Prof. Qi and Prof. Messina for doing scientific researches related to using the remote sensing and GIS techniques for the environmental changes in Kurdistan region of Iraq, as well as to get their acceptance for sending Salahaddin University-Erbil postgraduate students to do some of their study researches at their laboratories and to use the modern scientific equipment of remote sensing and GIS at Mechigan State University.Salahaddin university-Erbil gave full official leave permission to Dr.Ayad in order to achive his mission.
6- Dr.Khder Niazi Nooraldeen, from department of Biology,College of Education-Salahaddin University-Erbil was a Fullbright visiting scholar at Kent State University (, Ohio-USA from July 8th to September 15th ,2012.The project titled" Knowledg and Capacity Building on Best Practices in Science and Technology". The workshop was fully granted and funded by Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program of Iraq.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
1- Mr.Govar Muayad Abdulla ( [email protected]) from Physics Department , College of Education-Salahaddin University has been awarded an Italian Scholarship for two years( 1/10/2015-1/10/2017) to study Material science leading to M.Sc. degree at the Universita della Calabria ( ).
2-Mr.Nihro Surdash Abdulkareem( [email protected] )has been awarded an Italian Scholarship for two years( 1/10/2015-1/10/2017) to study historical sciences leading to M.A. degree at the Universita della Calabria( ).
3- Mr.Hakar Abbas Aziz ([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian Scholarship to study accounting leading to at the university Calabria-Italy from October 1st to September 30th, 2018.
4- Miss.Hero Sabah Rahman([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian Scholarship to study Chemistry leading to M.Sc. degree at the university of Calabria-Italy from October 1st, 2016 to September 30th, 2018.
5- Mr.Hewa Taher Mustafa ([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian scholarship to study enviromental science( water & soil) leading to M.Sc. at the university of Calabria-Italy from October 1st,2016 to September 30th, 2018.
6- Miss. Aven Mahmood Wali([email protected]) has been awarded an Italian Scholarship to study law leading to MA degree at the University of Calabria-Italy from October 1st , 2016 to September 30th, 2018. Updated on September 22nd, 2016 Mohammed Azeez Saeed ([email protected])
1- Mr.Osama Kaml Mahmood ( [email protected] ) from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from the University of Ankara ( )-Turkey.
2-Mr.Waleed Jaafar Ibrahim ( [email protected] )from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from the University of Ege ( )-Turkey.
3- Mr.Tahseen Wsu Abdullah ([email protected] )from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarp for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from Gazi University ( )-Turkey.
4- Mr.Sarkan Salman Abubaker([email protected] ) from the department of Political Science, College of Law-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study International Relations leading to MA degree in political science from the University of Cukurova ( )-Turkey.
5- Miss. Zhala fadhil Saber ( [email protected] ) from the department of Fish Production, College of Agriculture-Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarship for the period of two years ( 1/10/2015-10/2017) to study Fishing and processing Technology leading to degree in Fishing from the University of Ege ( )-Turkey.
6- Mr.Ashti Kader Rashid ( [email protected] ) from the department of Turkish language, College of Languages,Salahaddin University-Erbil has been awarded a Turkish scholarships for the period of two years ( 15/9/2015 - 15/9/2017) to study Social Work leading to MA degree from the University Hacettpe( ) Turkey. Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Development Partnership in Higher Education
DELPHE (Development Partnership in Higher Education) was a British Council ( programme released in 2011 and implemented during the years 2012/2013. The aim of the programme was to support a scientific research project to develop higher Education System in Iraq.Salahaddin University was honored by winning 5 projects among 8 projects designed for all Iraq , as follow:
Project One: To support a scientific research project to develop a quality assurance system at Salahaddin University-Erbil.Salahaddin University team were consisted of ( Dr.Nabil Adil Fakhri, Dr.Fatimah Rashid Hasan, Mr.Zhilan Tahir,Dr.Khwasbeen Sida Fattah, Dr.Yousuf Shareef Saeed,Sardar Ahmed Yaseen,Dr.Ibrahim Hamarash, Dr.Riadh Francis, Dr.Omer Ibrahim Azizand Taban Kamal Azeez).The project was implemented during December 9 to December 15th, 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of Coventry University( ) as a partner University.The project was financialy sponsored by the British Council under DELPHE project.
Project Two: A training programme was organised by Nottingham Trent University( [Leadr partner of DELPHE -Iraq project] during the period 6-11 February 2012.The DELPHE project was titled " Developing Research And Curricula" and Dr.Sirwan Ali Salih the lecture at the department of Archetucture/College of Engineering participated in the training.The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Project Three: Develop a Women Gender and Gender Studies Course at Salahaddin University-Erbil.Salahaddin University team were consisted of (Miss.Muzhdad Mohammed Azeez,Miss.Hataw Karim Khider and Miss.Dlaram Othman Salih) from the department of Social Works-College of Arts. The project was implemented in January 2011 and November 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of SOAS, University of London-UK.( ) as a partner University.Professor Dr.Nadje Al-Ali ( [email protected] ) from SOAS was the team leader and the organizer of the project implementation.The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Project Four: Conflict Analysis and Reconciliation-Interships and Seminars in London and Belfast.Salahddin University team were consisted of (Dr.Hewa Haji Khedir, Miss. Lawlaw Abdulaziz Ahmed , Mr.Salih Salahaddin Mustafa , Tavga Abbas Towfiq and Dr.Mohamad Abdullah Kaka Sur) .The project was implemented in March 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of Department of History, Queen Marry, University of London-UK.( ) as a partner University.Professor DrPeter Catterall from Queen Marry-University of London was the team leader and the organizer of the project implementation.The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Project Five: Developing Doctoral and Master Research Supervisory Practice at the University of Nottingham-Malasyia in the period May 9 to May 20,2011.Dr.Ismail Mohammed Fahmi from English department,College of Languages-Salahaddin University-Erebil participated in the project. The project was financialy sponsored by the Brotish Council under DELPHE project.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
What is Francophone?
The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) (Francophone University Association) is a global network of French-speaking higher-education and research institutions. Founded in Montreal, Canada in 1961 as the Association des Universités Partiellement ou Entièrement de Langue Française (AUPELF). The AUF is a multilateral institution supporting co-operation and solidarity among French-speaking universities and institutions. It operates in the French-speaking countries of Africa, the Arab world, Southeast Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean. The AUF has 800 members (public and private universities, institutes of higher education, research centers and institutions, institutional networks, and networks of university administrators) distributed throughout francophone countries. It is active in 100 countries, and represented by regional offices and information centers on campuses and in institutes. The Association receives funding from La Francophonie, and its headquarters are located at the University of Montreal.
Salahaddin University-Erbil ( )is a full member of Francophone University Association since the year 2012 and the department of French Language at Salahaddin University -Erbil is a very active member of AUF and acheivede the follwing activities:…
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Aladdin Project
Salahaddin University Participated for the second time in Aladdin Project
(The International Summer University for Intercultural Leadership)
Two students from College of Basic Education/ English Department participated in the Aladdin annual program. Sarwan Sdeeq Hasan (MA student in Linguistics, [email protected]) and Twana Faidhy Jameel (Third year BA student,[email protected]) were the two representatives of Salahaddin University in the International Summer University in Cappadocia, Turkey.
Aladdin Project ( ) is an international summer university annual program for intercultural leadership places under the patronage of UNESCO and the European Parliament. The program had three summer universities so far. The first summer university took place in Bahcesehire University, Istanbul in July 2013, and gathered 53 students from 16 partner universities to discuss the theme "The causes of wars and genocides in the 20th century". The second summer university was in Berlin, Germany that 56 students attended to talk about "Religions, peace and conflict in the 21st century". The last one was this year's program, which took place in Cappadocia Turkey from 19th July to 2nd August 2015, under the title "The power of image: truth, manipulation and intolerance"; around 70 (BA, MA, PhD) students, from 5 continents, 16 countries and 24 universities, have participated in the program
The aim of the program is gathering students from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin American Countries and the United States of America for two weeks, in order to develop their intercultural skills and give them the opportunity to study key issue in international affairs with other students from diverse cultural, religious and ethnic background.
With the advent of mass media and the internet, the modern world has shifted from a print culture to a visual culture: a new age of image centered communication has begun. In this transition, the use of analogical thinking has also shifted from verbal metaphors to visual ones. This shift is particularly evident in the use of intercultural communication. This year's program explored the power of images as basic and indispensable tool of cultural interaction: how images are processed, how they function in relation to our innermost beings, and how they form the psychological fabric of our political, social, and economic environment. There was a focus on the role of the various which impact our lives: how visual images create a language with profound psychological meaning, and how print, television, film and the newly-arrived social media manipulate images to create desired emotional effects. This year's program looked at the most controversial areas of image persuasiveness today: advertising, politics and entertainment. Cutting across many disciplines (psychology. Politics, history, sociology, law, religion studies, journalism, etc.), the course was done in the form of a lecture series combined with active participation by students in the form of project presentations and discussion groups.
The first day after arrival, with his Excellency (Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dezaye) the president of Salahaddin University-Erbil, the opening ceremony started with some welcome speeches by Enver Yucel, the chairman of the board, Abe Radkin, special advisor to the Director General of UNESCO and Executive Director of the Aladdin Project, and some other officials and academicians. His Excellency (Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dezaye) the president of Salahaddin University also had his words with presenting a seminar by using slideshows about the new modern Campus of Salahaddin University. Then as it was planned, the program transferred to Cappadocia, which was 10 hours away from Istanbul by bus.
The lectures where taught by some professors, politicians and journalists from different countries:
- (The Power of Images: Media, Myths and Stereotypes) by prof. Lucy Nussiebeh from Al-Quds University.
- (Representation of the Other in Print & Social Media) by prof. Nilufer Narli from Bahcesehir University.
- (The Image and Muslim traditions) by Prof Nilufer Narli.
- (Complexity Enlightenment and Resistance) by Prof. Lucy Nusseibeh.
- (The Images in Marketing and Advertising) by Prof. Tulin Erdem from New York University.
- (Use and Misuse of images in politics) by By Ozcan Mutlu the former MP in Germany and Member of Bundestag.
- (The power of Movement Images) by Prof. All Akay from Mimar Sinan University and he is also a very popular director and writer.
- (Robots) by Dr Emel from Stanford University.
- (The Image of the Other in Jewish and Muslims Confrontation) by prof. Tudor parfit from from Florida int. University.
- (The History of Jews) by prof. David Katz from Princeton University in Tal-Abib.
- (Christianity: from Icon to Image) by prof. David Katz from Princeton University in Tal-Abib.
- (Images in linguistics: Signifier and Signified) by prof. Tudor Parfit from Florida Univeraity.
- (Anne Frank) by a journalist Yves Kugelmann.
- (The Religions and Culture and Traditions) by one of the participants Fulnayo West PhD student in Harvard University.
- (The image and Mythic Tadiations) by Prof. Cengiz Sisman from Huston University.
- (Extremists and their Manipulation of Images) by Prof. Riva Kastoryano.
- (The West and East: Confronting Images with Reality) by prof. Yalmaz Esmer from Bahceshir University.
- (The Political of Perception in the Image Age) by prof. Riva Kastoryano Sciences of Paris.
Generally, the program was holding some messages to be conveyed like: peace, humanity, human right, women right, respect different religions and diverse cultural believes, and creating a strong united community instead of the whole world.
Research project was another plan of the program. Students were equally divided into groups of four or five reflecting their different countries and cultural background, to work together on a common research project. Each group had to present a draft plan by the end of the summer university. Final research projects are to be completed after the two-week program and submitted to an international panel of academics in October 2015.
Beside of all these, there were some other extra activities like tours to the historical, traditional and tourism areas at nights and weekend. Some parties also were held in order to make students to get closer and show their traditions.
In one of the night parties, participants should present a program about their culture and traditions. Our two students presented a program with two others from the American University of Sulaimani about: Kurdistan, bloody histoty, Kurdish flag, Nawroz and Kurdish Year and its story, Peshmarga, the huge number of refuges. They also ended the program with some Kurdish dance.
At the same party Mr. Enver Yucel, the chairman of the board, promised to make a big building and name it Peace House. All the participants were honored the titled Pease Ambassadors, and the chairman also decided to hold all the students' names and photos on the walls of the Peace House, besides he asked the participants to come back to Cappadocia every year to describe for the tourists about what had happened in the area during the two weeks of the summer university.
The participants in this international summer university had very positive views about Kurdistan especially Peshmarga. Prof. Nilufer Gole during her lecture at the opening ceremony said "Now, Peshmarga forces are the only hope and pride of the whole world, not only Kurds". Matt was an American student, during the battle between Turkish forces and ISIS on the border, his family called him and wanted him to get back to the US immediately, but he replied "Between me and ISIS, there are millions of Kurds, so you don’t have to be worry about me".
There was a graduation ceremony at the last night of the program. The students got two international certificates (Diploma) from Aladdin project and Bahcesehir University with the partnership of UNESCO and European Commission Erasmus+. Finally, the students departed in tears, because there were very strong relationships between them.
Salahaddin University Participated for the third time in Aladdin Project
Baku-Azerbaijan, Aladin Project (
The International Summer University for Intercultural leadership is a program organized by the Aladdin Project with the support of the European commission, under the patronage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that took place in Baku-Azerbaijan, from July 24th to August 7th , 2016.
53 students from 26 different universities in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the United States, and Brazil participated in this two week cultural and Academic journey.
Salahaddin University-Erbil ( ) was the only University that was chosen in the entire Iraq to participate in this program with two students that were chosen based on merit.They are:
- Ms. Raman Mohammed Omar,([email protected]), Third year, Department of English language, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.
The theme of this year’s two-week course was “Migration and the Future of Intercultural Relations”, the lectures were given by internationally-recognized scholars, and during the two-week course we formed groups in order to do a group research.
The research project should be submitted in October 2016 and will be reviewed by an international jury and which will qualify us for the Aladdin Awards which are given every year during a special ceremony in Paris.
During these two weeks we also had the chance to see the beautiful places of Azerbaijan.
The program organized a cultural night show which allowed us to present our cultures and to know more about each other’s cultures.
I was able to show a presentation about Kurdistan Amongst the participants to introduce the history and the culture of the Kurds to them, my work got praised and they were happy to know this information about Kurdistan and they told me to take Kurdistan’s flag everywhere.
Eventually in 6th of August we received our certificates during the closing ceremony which took place in Jumeirah beach Hotel, and the certificates were given to us by the Deputy minister of education of Azerbaijan, and I was able to raise the Kurdistan flag while I received my certificates and I felt so proud that I represented my one and only country Kurdistan.
It is worth to mention that Salahaddin university-Erbil, for the third year (since summer 2014), participating in Aladdin Project by sending two students each year.
The president of Salahaddin University, assistant professor Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye ( [email protected]), also participated in the opening ceremony of the mentioned summer university in Baku and presented the academic bright face of Salahaddin University-Erbil.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed ,Erbil, August 28th, 2016
The Slide show given below presented in this summer university workshop on Kurdistan Region
Professor Dr.Ibrahim Hamarash visited Monash University( - Australia on a one-month Endeavour Executive Fellowship. He is a Professor of electrical engineering and is Vice-President of Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies at Salahaddin University-Erbil in Kurdistan, Iraq. Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are internationally competitive and highly priced, merit-based scholarships provided by the Australian Government ( ).
It is worth to mention that Professor Dr.Ibrahim Hamarash previously visited Monash University on an Endeavour Postdoc Scholarship in 2007 to pursue research in electrical engineering and automation.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed