Under the project No. 63419, title Chemical Security Training (CSP) Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Kurdistan, Iraq, and salahaddin University-Erbil, Principal first investigator Dr. Brwa Koji, Director of Health and Safety with support of Dr. Media Noori Abdullah, Director of Health and Safety at Salahaddin University-Erbil, the training course implemented at Salahaddin University-Erbil Social and Cultural center for six-day, from 23 to 28 June 2018, in which (16) university directors of health and safety from (16) different universities in the Iraq Kurdistan region participated.
This training focused on raising awareness of the importance of chemical security in university chemical laboratories and provided the university directors of health and safety with the knowledge and resources to train their staff on chemical security best practices.
The Course investigator Dr. BRWA M. SAEED (KOJI) from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research, and the course trainers Dr. MEDIA N. ABDULLAH and Dr. DOTSHA J. RAHEEM from Salahaddin University- Erbil
At the end day of training course, representative from each university allowed to give their feedback to the course coordinators and certificates of participation were then awarded to each of the participants.
Pictures taken during the CSP training course:
We prepared the Hall the day before starting the course in the afternoon, some picture shown below:
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