This scientific meeting is a unique platform for Kurdish and non-Kurdish academics, entrepreneurs, and professionals to interact and exchange ideas with each other. Through scientific presentations and networking, WKC2022 aims to study and identify the roots of existing problems, primarily in Kurdistan: the brain drain and emigration of skilled young talent to Europe. We need to provide creative and scientific-based solutions that give the opportunities of a better standard of living and quality of life in Kurdistan. Therefore, WKC2022 seeks to explore job-creating capacities in Kurdistan through applied research think-tanks for problem solving. WKC2022 invites Kurdish and non-Kurdish scientists to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government and Universities in Kurdistan to develop scientific-based guidelines and long-term strategies for creating job opportunities in Kurdistan, to discourage mass immigration of our brighter young people. The intellectual capital of Kurdistan's youth is one of the most valuable resources because of their training in terms of material cost and time, and most importantly, because of the lost opportunity.
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