At 9:30 in the evening on 30 June 2016, under the auspices of His Excellency KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, the 35th congregation ceremony was held in Franso Hariri Stadium. In the ceremony, KRG Minister of Higher Education Dr Yousef Goran, Minister of Education, Erbil Governor and a number of MPs and dignitaries were present. The event unfolded with the graduates’ and teachers’ entrance into the stadium.
Following that, a number of speeches were delivered. Asst. Prof. Dr Jawher Fatah Saeed delivered the speech of the director of Higher Committee Graduation Ceremony. Later, SU President Asst. Prof. Dr Ahmed Dezaye passed the message of Kurdistan Region President to the students in which Masoud Barzani expressed congratulations to the graduates and thanks to the lecturers who have made the education process possible this year.
This was followed a speech from the Ministry of Higher Education in which he stressed the importance of technology in our modern day and its relevance to the students’ future careers. He urged the graduates to adapt themselves in order to meet the requirements of the job market. They should ‘work hard’ to find jobs in public as well as private sector in order to cope with the rapid changes in the market.
A part of the ceremony was dedicated to making the graduation pledge which was read by Prof. Dr Ibrahim Hamarash.
Finally, the deans of the colleges requested the university president to confer the certificates on 3964 graduates from 14 different colleges.
Date :3th July 2016