Quality Assurance
Quality assurance as started in 2010, its first mission was Pilot Project in March 2010. During (2010-2011) it appeared as a fixed system which includes the below tasks:
- Established the Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance at Salahaddin University Presidency.
- Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance at Salahaddin University performs the followings:
- To run quality assurance meeting and implementing special agenda, this is supervised by the vice chancellor for Scientific Affairs and the head of quality assurance from all colleges.
- Supervising all relevant affairs of quality assurance at the colleges and responding to all queries and comments.
- Cooperating with the directorate of quality assurance at the ministry.
- Delivering all the requirements of the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to quality assurance directorates at the colleges, then collecting the requirements and forward it to MOHE.
- Writing minutes of meeting, all proposals and comments then forward it to the Ministry after being approved by the Chancellor.
- Running ‘Assessment Affair’ which is performed by students, this is done by sending special forms for the colleges, then collecting and examining the conclusions and preparing certain database for it.
- Distributing evaluating form for assessing staff members, head of departments and deans of faculties, then analyzing the conclusion.
- Arranging external evaluators’ affairs who are invited to evaluate under-performing staff members and assess scientific departments by using specific forms, which is corresponded to quality assurance’s procedures.
- Arranging constant academics process in every scientific department and providing certain instructions and staff members scientific promotion will be based on annual points.
- Running courses for staff members to develop their language and computer skills.
- Quality assurance process managed appropriately in (2010-2011), assumably, it will be better run to raise awareness towards teaching.