In the university presidency office, with the presence of Dr. Hazim Burhan, head of Turkish language Department in the College Of Languages, assistant professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye the president of Salahaddin University welcomed a delegation of Belkand University headed by Dr. Raseem Ozurk the university general coordinator, Professor Dr. Hamza Zul-Faqqar a renowned Turkish language lecturer and Ms. Nasreen Erbil a well-known Turkmen poetess. In the meeting, and after welcoming the delegation, the president of Salahaddin University expressed his appreciation and proudness for the support of Belkand University to improve Turkish language in College of Languages.
In the meeting, the delegation was surprised by the improvement of Salahaddin University and pledged to support Turkish Language Department in College of Languages. The guest delegation also declared an announcement regarding sending some students of Turkish Language Department after doing some tests, these students are to be sent during summer holiday for a practical training for 20 days to Belkand University. Also in the meeting, they expressed their readiness to provide specialized lecturers for postgraduate students in Turkish language. The president of Salahaddin University was very proud that Belkand University has opened a practical training department. He also added that Salahaddin University takes an interest in the world languages especially: Turkish, German, Arabic and English.
Opening Turkish Language Department is in the framework of business in the Kurdistan region, as nearly 50% of Kurdistan companies are Turkish companies. Dr. Ahmed expressed his wishes to more future coordination between the two universities for mutual scientific conferences and other activities.
Date: 29th Mar 2016