Under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye “the representative of the high institution of Salahaddin University new campus project, the president of Salahaddin University and member of high committee, a part of the project departmental committee, the final meeting of the first part of master plan and design of Salahaddin University New campus project has been arranged. In the meeting, Dr. Dizayee has expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to the President of Kurdistan Region Government “Mr. Nachirvan Barzani” for all his support to complete master plan and design project for 2 years and 2 months by “Dar Al-Handasa” company which was monitored and supervised by the specialized engineering committee of Salahaddin University.
Dr. Ahmed Dizayee has also expressed his deep thanks to the members of the committee one by one who could make the dream comes true for Erbil City and Salahaddin University. Dr. Dizayee has expressed his wishes that as soon as the financial crises would be solved by Kurdistan Regional Government, the construction project will be started.
He also added that those who loved Erbil city and interested in higher education can do their best to support providing a special budget for the second stage of starting the construction project of the campus, by finishing this huge campus there will be a transformation stage scientifically, environmentally, academically and knowledgeably for students and lecturers.